Monday, April 4, 2011


Hey , Just got home ;)

School wise , Hmm ..... nothing much , Did 2.4 for P.E , pushed myself to my limit , im proud , even though i still FAR FAR behind. Hahaha ~ Okay , ART was okay , had to stand outside , imma bad kid . LOL ... Okay , recess was per usual , Then went to G.O Ask about my EzLink , called MrRatnam like what 10times ? LOL . Then went to the uniform shop .... then went to F&N class late ... No need to do work ~! Was at a lab then I saw JiaYing since we shared a room with the sec 4's .... then can use handphone and stuff ... so i was listening music while messaging Gillian,JiaLe,Ayu and Another friend. then played techdeck , then Finish , LOL , OTW back to class , something happened , PISSED ME OFF . Then Maths class i was soooo damn pissed , -_- Okay Gillian managed to cheer me up , thanks sooo much ~ Okay , Geography was interesting as per usual . then ok Heres another story which happened after school :

Lost my EzLink , good for me some guy found it , Me and ayu went to PasirRis InterChange to claim it . First went to the SBS concourse waited in line and ended up , they say not there -____-
Then we went to the MRT concourse , waited in line AGAIN , And the guy say not there -___-!! We called the guy , and he said he left in the ticketing office .__. went there , queued up AGIAN!!! Then finally i found it , Happy like fudge, all thanks to YuYu ♥ Went to Mac , then went home ~

Okay , short post . Bye ~!


I dont know if im selfish , i Dont know if im wrong , but seriously , i have limits of kindness too .... But somehow , you dont realize that your actually hurting other people ...I Cant take your attitude anymore .... I wanted to tell you up front , but somehow , it'll make me seem like the bad person .... I wanted to tell you that your Attitude is annoying me , and really ... I dont like it now ... and honestly , i dont like YOU now .... Sorry , at least im kind enough to ... Say it nicely . But thats where i draw the line . GAME OVER .

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy birthday~!

Hi ~ Im early today ! Im such a good girl ^^~ Nothing much to do today ... unless i go play BasketBall with Rakee.... Hmm , i dont know what else i can post , sorta blank minded now , i've been quiet today ! YAY , Im happy , LOL , okay , thats all ? I think ...

Oh yeah , the night before yesterday , me celine and JiaLe thought of stuffs , and i actually cracked up one of the WORSTS ideas , LOL , im not creative okay .__. Hahaha , and finally we all agreed to something , bought Construction paper and other things , gave out 1 to each Peep , and then binded it together to give ZhenMin as a ... Card thingy :X Hope you liked it BTW :D

Okay , off now , BYE ~!

Okay , i know im suppose to post this yesterday ... but anyway here it is :

Happy BirthDay to the one and only ZhenMinho ~

Ive written everything i wanted to tell you , But as times passes , there are much more words for me to say. Your unique , but you dont know yet :D Your awesome , and all your friends knows that . Dont stress yourself , just be happy always ! ^^~ Sorry for everything i've done wrong to you , whether it was last year or this year .... I promise to be a better friend to you ! You will never be sad when your with me xD Okay , HAPPPYYY BIIRTTHDAYY ~!