Monday, May 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amber/mine forever/

Hi there , Im bored ...

My dearest Amber and Krys is up there .

Okay Bye ><

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hi ~

Going to church today ~
Nothing much to post right now ,
So yeahh , Bye ~! :DD

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hi ! Still having fever , dint go to school today cause 1) im sick 2)Ponteng . Hoho~

Okay , i think i shall pot on my private blog >>

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hi there .

Im currently having fever , and i think i've been feverish for about a week or so .
I feel so siiccckkkk!
I hate it .
So damn hot.
My face is flushed red , so are my lips .
Weird , but being sick aint furrrn .

Okay bye .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My dear Magg-Oops ~

Hi there ~

Well , Had so much fun with my dear Magg-Oops .

School is such a BORE .... Gosh , nothing much to do .
Good thing Holidays are coming ~
Ive never been so excited about holidays ~!!!



Dixie and Rakee :
thanks so much for the fun we had ~~ You two are my DongSaeng's but you guys take care of me A L O T ^^ It's great to know that we've known each other since ..... uhm .... FOREVER!!! Well , Love you two ^^

Monday, May 16, 2011

Agenda ~

Hi there all ~ ^^

Today's agenda :

> Go to rakee's house

> Tune Guitar

> Learn "Hoot"

> Modify PSP

> Put games




> PLAY !


Shall post when i get back lataa ~~ :D

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Hi! Got back from the hospital , The baby was so cute , and His name is Jabriel :)

Me , Dixie and JonJon were like slacking around the hospital like no one's business . HOHO ! XD

Here are Low Quality pics of the cute cute Jabriel~

Howdy ~


Art exam , More like "Do finish work , Talk nonstop" Exam . Lol . Okay , Rushed my work then played around , keep throwing RubberBands at JingYi , PEACE . Then ... after school , went home , wet like fuck . Imma WET DOG .

Now Eating . Once im done, imma go play my game ;P Then ..... Afterwards going out to KKhospital ~~
So yeah , PISS ! XDD I mean PEACE ! XDD

I shall put screencaps later if i want LOL .Okay bye ~! Hohohohoo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Runescape escapade /

woohoo , screencaps ~! xD


Yo~ Today okay , I will never understand myself EVER .
One moment , i feel like the only person in the world .
Then next moment , Im surrounded by friends who are gut busting people ,
Keeping me laughing Like crazy .
Seriously , my mind is playing tricks on me xD
Its a good thing im optimistic .
I just keep moving forward .

School is boring ish , cause duhh its exam .
I dint do much of studying ....

I dont know what to post . Orz

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Insanity .

I feel insane ...
Well , im usually am insane , but this time ... my insanity is .. different .
I feel like smashing stuff... and i want to see those red marks on my hand . I dont know why .
Is it because im drifting away from my classmates?
Since im gaining more time with my true friends ?
Or is it because no one understands me in class, thats why i feel alone ?
Who knows , gosh , i never felt so careless before . I dont even care if my classmates dont give a shizz .
For all i care .... I guess i have to stand up alone , and face problems in school myself .

Peace .

Monday, May 9, 2011

Randomness with a couple of dork xD

Hiie people ~! Imma back ~!

Not much things to post so yeahh , imma not posting xD
I dont have readers anyway :O And uhhhmm , lets see ....
Okay , since i have nothing to post , imma post random pictures then xDD

She looks (MORE) awesome here :D!
This is dorkable xD
Pedo face xD

The ever so popular tongue jutting Amber~
KryBer for me ~

Okay , done ~!! Peace ! Oh yeah , here is a friends Doggiee~ Named Mollie , and me of course , the usual Dork i am xP