Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hehes. ;D

Never Give Up Dedicated to someone :DTrue Friend Dedicated to Bryan :D

This is What Best friends look like Here are some examples :) enjoy!
<-this is just something to laugh about! My ♥Sharmaine♥!
Darryl , Sarahness , Ra!n , Cyrus.

Heyy all! had a good day at school :D kept laughing. LOL. okay so heres the break-down :

Maths : Uhh ... ... ... Bored. The freaking teacher don't even seem to know how to teach! haha. I don't like him ... hmmpf! LOL. Wasn't feeling well ... i was totally having a fever.

Music : Nothing much. Listened to freaking songs which i don't care about. Kept taking mentos from Rizka. hahas. was eating the whole time. keke! After class ...i waited for Gillian, who was waiting for ZhenMin, who was helping teacher to do something. Then invited Gillian eat recess with us.

Recess : Went to buy food then go back class eat. hehes! :D

CME : Teacher never come. yays! Then sat with Gillian and ZhenMin , to play Truth or Dare. Then ... ... ... suddenly got so many people play . Then got commotion! hahas. Aloysiyous dunno do what CRAP then chaos? aya ... then ok le. so then ... me and Gillian played with Ryan. hahas. so retarded play arounf the class. hehehe! Then after that got bored. Then look around. Saw ZhenMin and Gillian cam-whoring. C'mon! hahas. Then took pictures with ZhenMin and Gillian too. Teacher didn't even realized. hais! he is so ... ? ? ? hhaha. let's leave it that way.

LSS : Did a test. Then blah blah blah.

F&N : No teacher again. woots! then did a test then played around with SugarBaby,CrazyBabe,YanLi,JingYi and Cyrus?! hahas. quite okok. hahas.

Then went home. Argued with my mom. haha. and im here! yay! okay then i shall end here for nao. buhbye :D

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