Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MDPS im back!

Hello !

Early this morning : went to school , chat with SugarBaby while at the hall ... Then , Chairman and Vice-Chairman had to move to the back ... At the back we keep laughing !! Super funny ... Then had to go up stage ?! haha, yeah . Wasnt all bad , was kinda used to it anyway! Then went back to class ... wasted like 20mins "decorating" class ... i was watching something the whole time ... kekeke . Then , After school ,Me and Amir went to 1G(?),1F(?) and 1I . Find Haoxin , Haziq and LimYin ...

Then , Bused to whitesands , Then took 359 . Reach MDPS Saw the Guard ... the two guard keep saying "waa, so big already uhh? Last time only like this!!!" i down there keep hahaha only ...

Went straight to Canteen , Suddenly Halima hug me , walau , Shock sia! Then Priscilla also! Waaah ... The Sheila at there laugh . Hahaha . Saw Indah awell ... Then went up to the Staff room with Kelly,Priscilla,Petrina and Sheila . Saw Mr N. Tan , you know what he said ?! he say " Waaah! Raniel Again! haha." Then we keep joking around with him :D :D :D Then me and priscilla keep "forcing" the Staffroom door to open ! Suddenly DM Come wooah , we two hide sia . hahaha .

Then about 1 hr later go HOD . Dont have teacher one loh ... have meeting .... Kns ... Then went back to canteen ... went to the Field ... saw got Track already! Then we all down there say " walau , we last year donate money to make this then we never get to use! COME LETS STAND ON IT! ITS OURS!" LMAO....

Then go back to the fish pond there ... Sit around with Vicki and Noel they all ... then Bryan,Sebastian and Bryson come ... Saw Sebastian me and Sheila keep laughing at him ...he SUPER SHORT . I tell you laughdie moment. haha . Then Priscilla had to go... so me Sheila,Petrina,Kelly and Noel go back canteen . Went to the G.O Keep laughing at the Pictures of our teachers ... especially Mr Yip . xD Then wrote a dedication letter (provided by the school) For Ms K. Yeo :D Miss her T.T

Then after that go to MiniMart ... Bought something then separated with Sheila went home with Noel , Went Kopitiam ... haha ... Saw Romsie and Eunice ... Then Noel Party-pooper -.-" I bought food and left them hahaha!! and now im here ... Feel like going out , but ... LAZY ... TEEHEE! Hhaha . Had Uber fun todae ... Though i dint see Ms Yeo ;'( should have come earlier ... Noel saw her ;'( screw you Noel ... Vernon and Stella wasnt there too ... :( Tsk~ hahaha . Anyway , Thats all for now . Buhbye ;D

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hey , School nowadays are getting boring ... i guess its because i have nothing to look forward to anymore ... I use to have someone to inspire me . Now no more ! Hahaha. First day without Mr Luo ... So ... ... ... different ... :'( Dint do anything fun ... After school went to caltex... then went home ... Now im here ... rotting to death ... So excited for Wednesday :D Cant wait to see Them again ! I feel like crying cause im too happy !! And Tomorrow MY Gerald will be on Channel 5 !!! with Jake :D Haiissshhhh !! MUST WATCH :D Okay , im out for nao . Bbye :D Please tag me ... my blog is dead ! Here is my Gerald♥ :D

*Okay , i found out , i really like you in a way i wanna hate you so badly . *

Friday, August 27, 2010

MrLuo , MsDFadillah DONT LEAVE T.T

Today is such a sad day ...

Early this morning , Got ready for school left the house ...bused then reached school ... Slept throughout assembly ... Went up class , Science lesson ... Tsk~ VERY BORING . Then it was LA2 , DAMN FUCKING nice TTFC , Was talking to Sarah~Recess , Bought food , then ate , then studied while waiting for the bell ... Art , Quite okay , was on task~ LA , Super fun ... Ms Fadillah's last day ;'| MrLuo too ... Then was Geog , not so fun ... i guess i was thinking to much .

After school , Stayed in class with YanLi,JiaLe,ZhenMin,LiQin,Celine,Jolyn andGladys ... Mr Luo Played songs for us , in the end i also sing with him :x Super sad lo ... Celine cried :( then , i think someone else also almost cried ... I was also about to cry when he made a mistake in singing then i laugh! teehee. Went home 2hours later . It was worth it ~Went to caltex , then went home early with ZhenMin .

Now : Faye is beside me , Looking through my stuff -.-" She's starring at me? LOL . (faye: Rain is blushing! LMAO) Tsk~ anyway , wating for the right time to play BasketBall :D I hope can ... Need borrow ball first ! hahaha . Bye!

MrLuo : Take care , Dont forget 1-Aspiration ! Cause we wont forget you! We always have been thankful for what you have done for us and still do . Thank you for teaching us what is right and wrong . Thankyou for the Time you have scarified for our class :) Sorry for the trouble we have given you ... we sometimes might not work well with each other , but we still appreciate the things you taught us . Thankyou and We will miss you !

MsFadillah : Even Though at the beginning of the year the class wasnt really cooperating with you , We found out after the news that you were leaving that you actually helped us alot in Litrature . Even though it might be late for thankyous , the whole class would probably thank you . Though i dint really like you at first , i realized that i found your lessons interesting in your last few lessons . I really am sad that your leaving . Sorry that the class and I have been treating you badly , but we know you like our class the best in the whole secondary 1 level! Haha . Anyway , THANKYOU! We'll Miss you ! :D

"The moment we spent made me so happy till i found out the hatred that use to be infested in you is now slowly fading away ... But theres still hatred , but not that much anymore.(LQ , ssh~ Okay? haha) "

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today has been such a SuperdilosiousFundasionextravagantasion day! LOL .
In school , nothing much happened , Besides the point where i got back my english marks :D got 3 marks down Manish -.-" I secind in class ... Sai la . hahaha. Anyway : LIQIN! I finally own [insert name] !! Damn happy! LOL . oh yeah! MR LUO got the "concert " thing! OMG his voice is quite unexpected!! Ms Teo voice i feel like crying ... LOL , too scary ... Ms Liza voice SUPER nice like HELL!! Hhahaaha. Take care Mr Luo Okay ? :D randomness~

After school : Never bring Track pants for the Mosque thing ... Lucky SugarBaby have ^^ Kamsahimnida Sugarbaby! Then go to the mosque , In the bus end up sitting with Darryl , TSK~ Reached there , Me , BabyGirl , SugarBaby , Ayu , Azmina , Sarah and Mr Luo , Down there keep playing ... LOL . Super Fun ... Play until hand red red :D After that Must help pack the food ... My hand kena spill on ... KNN.... Then i have to go Deliver food ... Went with Azlina , Rizka , Naqiyah , Mr Luo , WenQiang and ChunHong ... Super tiring ... When going back was "free-running" MrLuo say i Action -.-" Then got minature playground ... we go inside i say my house :D Mr Luo and all go inside play , then take picture hahaha! I later try post the pics ... Then when reaching the mosque , saw Celine ... then She eating ice cream :( Told MrLuo Blanja us :D :D :D then he did! Celine had that certain look ... "I regret buying first T.T "hahaha! Then eat finish go back the mosque , listen music then then then , got the presentation thing thing ... Then got "TOUR" of the mosque ... Celine keep cracking up jokes ... but it was SUPER FUNNY . {Celine , why not try and jump down ? LOL . Kidding.} . then eat already ?! YAY ! LMAO . Sat with ZhenMin and LiQin ... Super Funny , Sit there kena bullied :( LOL ... I no mood eat cause i think i felt and saw something im not suppouse to see in the mosque ... So , i eat alittle ... After that we were the last to eat finish hahaha . Outside the mosque want to change ... then Ayu say cannot change outside the mosque , But me and Celine Heck care ... LOL. Changed to my shorts ... then went home with Celine ,ZhenMin and LiQin ... ZhenMin took another bus , so she left first ....In the Bus me , celine and liqin keep laughing like no ones business ! hahaha . Went down at LiQin's stop ... then i very URGENT . Almost want to pee~ LOL . Then my bus came first ... So left celine wait for her bus ... hehehe . AND now im here~ and my parents not at home yet ! YAY . Since i havent really eaten my dinner , my mom bringing me food :D super happy happy!!! :D

Now ... Faye mad LMAO . She wait for me outside my house dunno how long . hehehe. Sorry :/ I would have messaged you , but i ... forgot :X sorry . hehehe . MianHamnida :/ Twitter update okay!!

CT2 Marks :
Litrature : 19/25
Maths : 32/50
English : 22/25
Science : 34.5/50
Geography : 37/50
All my exam marks Pass :)

~MR LUO! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HOR! must remember 1Aspiration okay? Most of all , dont forget that we have always been thankful of all the things you have done and taught us :) Even though we might not show it through actions nor words , i would wanna say in behalf of 1-A that we Appreciate your hard work and the LOVE you have given us :) Try not to forget us!!! hahahahahaha. Though we might still see each other alot of times , it never hurts to say Whats been on my mind nao :D~

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I got over you please , stop making me like you again .

Hi world ! Post about yesterday first :D

Reached school , Obviously wasnt entertained -.-" was sitting at my place the whole time , messaging some peeps ...
Mr.Luo showed us a video thing thing ... then Lectured us ... Kinda helped :D Thank you MR LUO ! LOL .

Maths : Nothing Much , Quite boring ...

Music : Nothing much aswell ...

Recess : Music teacher stayed for awhile , So us girls went to Youtube and Played Some F(x) songs ... enjoyable i may say :) then they all left , i stayed in class ... Was checking something in my handphone.

CME : Teacher let us to make our Teachers day cards ... Sat with LiQin ... I was a little bit intimidated by LiQin and ZhenMin ... Mostly LiQin , LMAO :D want to make a card for Mr N. Tan ♥ and Ms K. Yeo ♥
(Ms k , Don't _____me! haha)

Science : IDK what to say . LOL .

F&N : Went to a place with Coms ?! LOL , Then heard Everyone shouting from outside the room . then inside the room everyone also -.-" Went out , saw the floorball game has started . Some peep from YOG came i think . haha . then most of the time i was at class , and Stuff ...

After school : Went to caltex with JiaLe , YanLi ,Celine and LiQin ... Reached there , saw Elysha , Darryl and Extra , i mean Deravic . LOL . Awhile later ZhenMin and ShiJie came . Played Truth or Dare ... Stupid Darryl keep Sabo me -.-" Screw you big time _|_ Want to sabo him also then instead someone else ask the question :D hahaha! then Celine went off , then JiaLe and YanLi too -.-" ,l Elysha and Darryl left early :( Was sooo boring in Caltex ... when they all left , seriously! Tsk~

Then When to Taekwondo .... Confirmed with Teacher that i going to Korea ... :/ have to share room with ShuYing . Not Bad lah ... she's quite okay . But , im not so excited ... im suppouse to be excited cause im going out of the country ... but somehow im not :/ i guess i got reasons ... :D

Today : Din't go to school due to financial issues ... Wanted to go school when i found out i could but then , i din't want to see ______________________________ . So , i just stayed at home :D
Besides , School's way better off without me :D and i know it ;)

(FAYEE!!! ~ You also another one! I already told you that Darryl , Sabo me , you still down there force me answer! haha . You try asking again i tell you trouble ! Hahaha!!! :) Anyway , Love you too ^^ And yes , if you want to come to church with me :) But , Rachael and Her bro's are there ... BEWARE . LOL .)

*Tsk~ Stupid lah you , Sabo me ?! You sabo me nevermind actually , but , you sabo me infront of her ~ i want to sabo you also , but then , i also dont want to do to you cause i very kind . LOL . Just don't push your limits boy . Reminder : Want to sabo me okay , can. But , Don't Sabo me in front of her . Cause i know you sabo always about her one . Please , be more mature -.-" *

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy birthday :) ~EMOTIONS TAKEN ME OVER

Heyy all ! Today , i think ... i found out answers i have been searching for months! anyway ... Here's my grandma story .

Early this morning : My mom and I had a scene ... Face super aching ... LOL . Totally moodless , Lucky LiQin entertaining me :) Reached school , Kept playing a fool with LiQin , About the ____ thing , then she'll say about the Amber Thing . LMAO ... After that , Mdm.Zairina came to me to talk about the Korea thing thing ... LiQin squeeze my shoulder until i think kena dislocated alr . LOL .

Geog : Watched and continued the documentary which i oddly liked ... haha , im such a wierdo !

Maths : got back my paper . Cried abit , then , hated myslef :D (I'm getting to feminine , thats not good! )

Recess : nothing much ...

MT : nothing much either ... almost died of heat exhaustion and boredom...

Science : Learned new topic ... Sarah kept making the whole group laugh until my face redred already . Haha! Got back my paper ... I have to admit , i was relieve to know ________ :D

LA : Lesson quite Okay .... Told something to LiQin .

LA1 : Sat with LiQin , Keep talking about the something .

After School : Went caltex with SUGARBABY and YanLi . Darryl waited for me there too . Reached there ... slack for awhile.... then took bus with SUGARBABY and Darryl , Got off ... Darryl pei me wait for the next bus . Around 4 plus ... People suddenly come my house?! Then my house so noisy -.-" finally now its PEACEFUL~

Anyway im out . im exhausted and Moodless ....

*You told her :D LOL .*

*I'm starting to dislike you , is this for real?! I think so ... Emotions have taken me over...*

HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D you know who you are i dont have to scream your name! ;D

Heres a line >>> 기 다려온 너의 생일, happy, happy, happy birthday
넌 모르고 있겠지만, oh, you’re so special
많은 날들이 흘러도, 오늘처럼 난 네 옆에서
축하 해주고 싶어, oh boy

(Your anticipated birthday. Happy, happy, happy birthday.
You might not know, oh, you’re so special.
Even if the many days pass by, I’m right next to you like today.
I want to congratulate you, oh boy!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


HI WORLD , and those who inhabit in it! Haiiis!!!

I yesterday super Disappointed :( Amber wasnt in the SM concert :( worst part was , Minho Rapped her part ;'( Then , watched a video made me cry LOL . LiQin saw me cry . LOL .
Well , super lazy post nao . hahas . SO IM OFF~ Byee^^


Friday, August 20, 2010

Amber Im so addicted . goshh~

Heyyo! Back from my Crraazzyy Day :D I will do the long long story :)
Early in the morning : Went up the bus , Saw celine , saat beside her . then almost going to late when we reach school the bus-stop , Then Celine , her two friends and Me walk under blocks so that we dont get wet . But we all have intentions to run :D then Celine say she cold , Ask her if she want lend my jacket she say dont want . then i say okay .Then until the end of all the blocks there got alot of people -.-" so we four , count to three then chiong to the gate . Walau , My skirt all wet , My shoe inside also ...CCB lo . Reach class there dunno what Mr.Luo Drawing -.- "

Science : Did Reflection , anyhow do . Then read Lit thing ... Starring at something/Someone :D
LA2 : I'm starting to like Fadillah's lessons ... O_O i hope i din't say that :C Kept starring somewhere ....
Recess : Ate with SUGARBABY and YANLI . Then went up class , Was fidgeting with my Handphone.
Art : B.O.R.I.N.G Kept Stare stare at the thing thing or the someone .
LA : Okay okay . Not bad :D
Geog : hhmm.... Watched a documentary , Kept laughing cause the documentary super retarded . LOL .

After school : Waited for about an Hour with BabyGirl,CrazyBabe,Stitchy,Gladys,YanLi and SugarBaby , then went to Caltex . Then , My privacy was invaded by Zm , She still down there say i bully her .___. Hahah . Spent awhile there , then we had to leave already ,Gladys bought Icecream :) She buy for me too , shared mine with BabyGirl . Ate in the Bus , Me and BabyGirl keep laughing . I eating half way she say "Don't shake , icecream will melt." then i sing " Make a shake , Make a shake~ Icecream ,Icecream!!" then Laugh luagh luagh like some crazy people . Hahaha . Reached W.S took 358 with Gladys .

Got down the bus , Saw Faye . Din't know she waiting for me .___. i think she wait like 1hour plus . hahaha . Lucky JianWen with her . Then Otw up my block , Saw Kenneth . Suddenly he look like want settle taiji . After that JianWen go talk to him , me and Faye faster go up cause I dun wan see His Face :D Then now JianWen and Kenneth fighting .LOL . Me and Faye down here also dont care :D :D :D Hahahah!!! Okay im out ^^ before JianWen gets hurt i should go follow him :) Byee ^_^

-Hahaha . Watched a Vid of My Baby Amberr~ She was singing her part in "NU ABO" When she changed the lyrics from Unnie to Oppa . ahaha . Uber funny !-

Got 2 of my CT marks back ... I super dissapointed with me Geog ... and Mad ... and Mad .... and Mad!

Heres my scores :
GEOG : 37/50
LIT: 19/25

Im out !

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I love you too much :D

Pheeww . Just finnished renovating meh blawg :D Nothing much to post .

TO FAYE : Stop messaging me -.-" at least message me something with value?! Always ask me choose... i told you , act like me , now try to choose , Amber or ______ so ? who ? Dunno right? then Ssshhhh~ :D

*Why are you effing moody ?! It's getting me pissed off.*
*I'm getting back to falling in love with you :D , BUT sadly , your not even talking to me much:(*

*Are you even willing ? cause i think i've been waiting for a long time now ^^*

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Amber is mine :D

Hey . Long time No post serious stuff :)

Last night: Went somewhere then OTW home saw Faye,Rachael,ShengWen and Kenneth ....Slacked somewhere with them , Then 30 minutes later We all fight , Rachael side with Kenneth -.-"pathetic?! haha! Then in the end the two boys totally hit each other , we all three girls down there dunno what to do! LOL ! then Kenneth accidentally hit faye ! CB right? So we all three go my house , then dunno what happened to the boys liao! Then Pei Faye go home . I reach home that time check my Hand Phone , See got 6over messages. Retarded , Kenneth keep messaging me . Get your own life -.-"

Well , Uber happy and Sad now , Sad : cause Amber's In Cali ... Happy : Cause Amber's Fully recovered :) YAY^^

*Stop it! Get you own freaking life and Stop messaging me! Can't you understand?! Jeez ...*

To Faye : Hahaha! Don't make me choose! You know i Like Her, and you know i LOVE Amber! So? Okay heres the thing try putting yourself in my place , Who would you choose? AMBER or _____> ? Ain't it hard! hahaha!!


LaChaTa Maniac~ :)

She looks sleepy here! hahah!

Call 911 please ? I think Amber's on Fire :D :D :D

Ain't she smoking? :D
My Amber~
This is Uber Funny^^ My amber is super Dorky :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Friday, August 13, 2010

Amber is mine mine mine ^^

Hiie ! long time no post things not about Amber . hahahas . Hmm... Nothing to post actually . Life is uhhm Hard ?? haha . I guess its only me . I'll only talk about after school , Went out with saw BabyGirl , Gladys and YiDai . They say they going Airport to meet B2st so i help them Flag taxi , end up i ride with them . ahaha . Then the whole time in the Taxi keep laughing. They alighted whilei stayed in the taxi and went straight home . On the way home saw ShengWen,Kerrell,Sheryl and Kenneth , Then Kerrell ,Sheryl and ShenWen went up my house . Went to play B-ball for awhile. Then went home. And now im here! hahaha. okay no more things to post so .... Well Amber spam!
I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!I love Amber!

Hahaha ! I'm seriously CRAZY for AMBER~


**Do you know i gave up alot for you? I dont think so.ENOUGH , if you dont want me as a friend then fine . i wont continue anymore, im the only one who gets hurt.**

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Amber :D

Heyy ^^ as you all know , i am Very in love with AMBER JOSEPHINE LIU ^^ And to prove it , i will picture spam ^^