Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today has been such a SuperdilosiousFundasionextravagantasion day! LOL .
In school , nothing much happened , Besides the point where i got back my english marks :D got 3 marks down Manish -.-" I secind in class ... Sai la . hahaha. Anyway : LIQIN! I finally own [insert name] !! Damn happy! LOL . oh yeah! MR LUO got the "concert " thing! OMG his voice is quite unexpected!! Ms Teo voice i feel like crying ... LOL , too scary ... Ms Liza voice SUPER nice like HELL!! Hhahaaha. Take care Mr Luo Okay ? :D randomness~

After school : Never bring Track pants for the Mosque thing ... Lucky SugarBaby have ^^ Kamsahimnida Sugarbaby! Then go to the mosque , In the bus end up sitting with Darryl , TSK~ Reached there , Me , BabyGirl , SugarBaby , Ayu , Azmina , Sarah and Mr Luo , Down there keep playing ... LOL . Super Fun ... Play until hand red red :D After that Must help pack the food ... My hand kena spill on ... KNN.... Then i have to go Deliver food ... Went with Azlina , Rizka , Naqiyah , Mr Luo , WenQiang and ChunHong ... Super tiring ... When going back was "free-running" MrLuo say i Action -.-" Then got minature playground ... we go inside i say my house :D Mr Luo and all go inside play , then take picture hahaha! I later try post the pics ... Then when reaching the mosque , saw Celine ... then She eating ice cream :( Told MrLuo Blanja us :D :D :D then he did! Celine had that certain look ... "I regret buying first T.T "hahaha! Then eat finish go back the mosque , listen music then then then , got the presentation thing thing ... Then got "TOUR" of the mosque ... Celine keep cracking up jokes ... but it was SUPER FUNNY . {Celine , why not try and jump down ? LOL . Kidding.} . then eat already ?! YAY ! LMAO . Sat with ZhenMin and LiQin ... Super Funny , Sit there kena bullied :( LOL ... I no mood eat cause i think i felt and saw something im not suppouse to see in the mosque ... So , i eat alittle ... After that we were the last to eat finish hahaha . Outside the mosque want to change ... then Ayu say cannot change outside the mosque , But me and Celine Heck care ... LOL. Changed to my shorts ... then went home with Celine ,ZhenMin and LiQin ... ZhenMin took another bus , so she left first ....In the Bus me , celine and liqin keep laughing like no ones business ! hahaha . Went down at LiQin's stop ... then i very URGENT . Almost want to pee~ LOL . Then my bus came first ... So left celine wait for her bus ... hehehe . AND now im here~ and my parents not at home yet ! YAY . Since i havent really eaten my dinner , my mom bringing me food :D super happy happy!!! :D

Now ... Faye mad LMAO . She wait for me outside my house dunno how long . hehehe. Sorry :/ I would have messaged you , but i ... forgot :X sorry . hehehe . MianHamnida :/ Twitter update okay!!

CT2 Marks :
Litrature : 19/25
Maths : 32/50
English : 22/25
Science : 34.5/50
Geography : 37/50
All my exam marks Pass :)

~MR LUO! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HOR! must remember 1Aspiration okay? Most of all , dont forget that we have always been thankful of all the things you have done and taught us :) Even though we might not show it through actions nor words , i would wanna say in behalf of 1-A that we Appreciate your hard work and the LOVE you have given us :) Try not to forget us!!! hahahahahaha. Though we might still see each other alot of times , it never hurts to say Whats been on my mind nao :D~

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