Sunday, September 5, 2010

Amber :/

Feel super sad now :( Currently chatting with LiQin , even though its 12 in the morning ...
We are currently Playing T or DT . Feel sad sad sad sad ... Haish . Anyways , lazy to post anything BESIDES that soon it will be SM TOWN's concert *screams* Anyway , Night :)

~ Uhh , Why do i like you so much , i now deny liking Kpop , all your fault , yet i LOVE you T_T i use to think believing was STUPID , now i think im stupid in believing ... Hais . ~

If i could make my birthday wish right now ... It would be ... To be with Amber :) At least just for awhile ... hais ... Amber , you making me so depressed . Why must you be so .... uhhh!!!

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