Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Long post .

Hello! been a few days since i updated blog ! Been lazy :D Anyway here is my longlong story

Friday: At night , made ZhenMin Explode ... all because of LIQIN ! KIDDING . Then ended up we three on the phone for 2-3hours? Yeah ... then ended up get scolded by mum -.-

Saturday : Went to church with Cousins ! No Eliyah ): No Dixie too ): Then nevermind ... Aunty say she want to pick Dixie at the Chalet , then i was like "EHH!! I want to go too! " Then i asked Rakee whether she wanted to guy or not . she said yes! So Mika said she'll follow too (: Went to eat first then Bused to DownTown East without Aunty ! Went to disturb dixie , then saw Eliyah O.o After that , Dixie threw a waterballoon at me , i go scream at her " YOU CANNOT HIT ME WITH A WATER BALLOON , IM RAIN , IM TOO GOOD TO GET HURT BY YOU " , Then Dixie go call her classmates aim their waterballoons at me ! WTH ?! I luckily duck all (: Went to bring Eliyah Around Downtown east ... We ended up in Mac ... Mika and Rakee Bought Fries and A large drink ... While they were ... I was teasing Eliyah ! Hehehe :P Then at 11+ all her friends go home , the Dixie was like "Ehh , no one staying in the Chalet? Waste $139 sia ....You all wanna stay ? " then Me, Rakee and Mika 's Parents allow us stay! woots~! Ate dess go take our things while we 4 at the chalet... I was in the balcony on the phone with LiQin and ZhenMin ... so was dixie! LOL , that night no one slept . hehehe , sort of . When Mika Sleept , me And Rakee keep laughing like some crazy fella .... hehehe! BROTHERHOOD-NESS! LOL .

Sunday : Woke up at 7+ Then got ready ... bought stuffs at Mac , then went home .... Went out with my family on that day ... bought new tee's , new wear on , and and A NEW CAP !! YESSSA!
Then nothing more!

Today : Went to fetch Rakee in her school , went to her house , took basketballs , then went to eat... then after that went to play Bball in the court for 30mins ... then got lazy ... then go Dixie's house watch "Paranormal activity2" Then LiQin see until my reaction keep teasing me . LOL ! now Chatting with Ayu and ZhenMin .. Totally weird . Hehehe :P'

Random pictures (:

My dearest cousin (:
Cuties !
Uhh , why is this pic here? THE CAP!!!

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