Tuesday, August 2, 2011


28July[Thursday] :
School-ed .Dint go to CCA ... parents was at home ... ate lunch then rest awhile ... after that left to Dixie's house ~ Ate Anne,Rakee,Mika and Iyah[-
_-] was there too. Played , then i did some errands without dixie and jonjon first . Then when we came back played around . I confronted Iyah , i told her some personal stuff , i swear if she tells me that she likes me again , id slap her so hard , her mum wont even recognize her -_- anyway after that incident everything was all
different between her and my bestie ... After everyone left , had a heart to heart talk with AteAnne [Thanks ate , i lub you! ] Then got ready for our midnight show of captain america~ Slept during the movie ;P I slept on Ate Anne's shoulder HAHAHA . Then it was about 3am , walked to Mac ate there then taxi home Lol , we were lazy . Then got home , hanged around the Music room with all the tambays ~ Then after that , slept !

29 July[Friday] :

Woke up and started to wash up ... Went to koufu with the whole cabrega family <3 Ate steamboat ... our last meal together :( Then went home , played around for awhile ... then after that got ready to go to the airport . Met Sophia,Syamisa and Rakee. Off-ed to Airport . Reached there Dixie's whole class there .. otl then mingled for like 1-2hr ? yeah , then it was time for them to go .... she was to surrounded by her classmates that i could'nt hug her or something ... so the moment Jonjon Hugged me , somehow i dint feel that i was already crying . Then Ate dess
hugged and gave me a kiss... then Ninang hugged me really tight .... :(! Then they headed off the gates ............ last family photo ... then Dixie came running to me to give me a hug .... that was the moment EVERYONE was crying ... but Me and Rakee were crying our hearts out ... my mum hugged me tight as they left ... the whole family crying as they went in too .... I cried so hard that more than half the adults had to console me ........ Evev my dad hugged me .... i cried for a good 45mins .... then cried again ... then again ... and again ... i miss them so much :(



Ate anne there with me and Dixie :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CCA : taekwondo was fun ~! after our demonstration practice was over , me and Afiq started to practice our cartwheels ... that lil douche got me to hurt my elbow alot :(

CCA: Taekwondo , practiced basic movement ! then after training slacked around first , Afiq and I cartwheeled for awhile , then i went to play soccer with Jere,ShaoKang,ChongXiang,LukeMan,Ghufran and Rusdi ~ Uber fun . Then went home with Theresa and HuiShan ~~

Went to dixie's house, played Xbox kinect ! looked like total morons HAHAHA! ♥

Today :

School as per normal , been very tired this few days . havent got enough sleep compared to the energy ive been exerting . Did my work today , painted in class Lol . Recess , nothing much honestly .The rest of the subjects are pretty much a blur LOL
Well ... thats about it ... no CCA today , thankgod . Shall go off to sleep early today ~ Byee :D

The way you say my name ♥
The way you look up to face me ♥
The way you could make me melt♥
The way you assure im fine♥
The way you smile .♥
Everything about you ♥♥♥

Thursday, July 14, 2011

World war 4 = july14

Hi , Today is honestly such a fucked up day .

Contact time : Super no mood , even Naqiyah noticed .

Maths : Super crazy at first . Ms Teo keep asking us to change back etc , everyone still rebelled and stuff . Studied :) but still played around a lil .

LA : no teacher , was playing around endlessly .

Recess : Ate ma pasta ! yummeehh ;)
Aloysius threw tantrum in class , and well he just started throwing chairs . apparently hitting a couple of people . Gillian got mad too , kicking the table endlessly at him . Syauqi's temper was just .... well above average XD then all left for mt classes.

MT : uhm , chaos . simply chaos . First, i got scolded for going down without a pass . then ,Aloy was still emo-ing on the floor ~ then aparently i cried for a lil while at the corner while writing the farewell letters for my beloveds . Then all of a sudden i heard ChunHong making a ruckus . Teacher then answering back blahblahblah . I heard he threw a book at the teacher or something . Then blahblahblah , JingYi almost had a seizure or something . No one was doing anything , stood up brought her down ... then BLAHBLAHBLAH .

History : Studied ~

CME : went down to check on JingYi , brought her up after a quick visit to the bookshop. Got scolded for not having the permission to go out afterwards .

IPW : nothing much scolded for going out without permission again . Continued with work .

Screw you all . i know you guys dont give a fuck , why bother .
If you guys are friends , act like a friend . If i look like i need a hug , gimme a hug ;) HAHAHAA

Okay byee ><

-July 14 is declared as world war 4 by Darryl-

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hyunaaaaa BubblePop ;3

Heyo :D

MT : dint do much , Played truth or dare ... and well i was pretty absent minded .

Maths? : Huh , i dont remember doing anything , HAHAHAHA

Recess : Stayed in class with ByunChua , Gillian and Zhenmin . Played with Gillian's cococrunch and kept throwing it HEHEHEHE , fun siol . Then ... uhm oh yeasssss , BUUBLLLEE POPPP playing in our heads .

LA : TANCHAICHENG's class ;)) Revathy the bestfriend 52year old taxi driver , HAHAHAHA . Okay epic . Keep playing with Gillian's iphone and she keeps on saying "Tan chai cheng" using that stupid app voice thingy XD

Science: Copying notes down ... Half way become sleepy ... then slept towards the end of the lesson ...

LA1 : dint even notice the teacher come in class .... Wasnt listening much . No , i wasnt listening at all .

CME or Assembly : Went to the toilet with Gillian , stayed there for awhile . Then back to class ... then blahblahblah~ school end :D

Yay. The only thing in my mind the WHOLE DAY is HYUNA and BubblePop!!!

Hyuna why is your cleavage so noticeable in bubblepop MV , can help but stare .And your buttshakkkeee !!! Wait , i sound so byun . dafuck .

Okayy byeee :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Me and my randomness

Whaddup bishes~! Hohohohoo~ Okay since i havent been posting , time for me to start doing my usual routine of posttttt .

Saturday : Woke up early , went to the cathay cineplex watched GreenLantern !!! It was awesome no joke . loved it . Anyway , after that went around plaza singapura .... bought new shirts for mum's birthday celebration .... then went to NEX and bought my new bag ..... And off to dad's office slacking around wasted time and stuff. Then went home , mum had her hair rebonded here ... then well , thats about it ... slept at 1? 2?

Sunday: woke up at 3+ Then ate , used comp, went to church , then went to Rakee's house ~~ Rakee,Mika,Dixie and Jashmyn(?) is there.... free bbt too ! Hohohoho , off to Ehub, booked tickets then walked around to waste time . Saw Celine at the arcade , and stuff. Ate fries at mac , then back to the cinema , Monte Carlo is AWESOME IS SWEAR , SELENA GOMEZ IS SHBFKSHDFJNSKJFSNDLKFN QT . Slept over at dixie's place , we did so much things, like cooking in the middle of the night without our godparents knowing ... then laughed so much during our filming of our mini movies! So funny xD Slept at 6-7 am ~

Monday: Dint do anything . Went home at around ... 7? yeah , then well sleep.

Morning : went to canteen , bought drinks , waited for time to pass ,then went up class.

PE: Had so much fun in PE idk why ...HHOHOHOHO

Science: Dint do much .

Recess: Mdm zulaiha release us later for recess so , ate longer .

DnT: Did my project thingy-ma-jug . Lol

LA: Constantly eating Gillian and LiQin's FnN food , Sedap im telling you! xD

Music: Played truth or dare in the music room

Maths : Slept for 1hr. Ms Teo keep waking me up but idc! HOHOHOOHO

No CCA today , moved up to tomorrow , thursday also dont have ~ Yay~ Okay bye xD


I have never acted this was before.I used to be that small kid who smiled and laughed the most , That kid who’s thoughts are of not her age.That kid whom’s mind use to consist of play,fun and play. That kid who’s only wall to lean on is her dearest VernonTanJingXue.That kid who’s surrounded by guys she calls friends, That kid who used to think girls are pathetic little creatures.
But now … I dont even consider myself as human. I feel so different . the way i act , the way i think, the way i walk , the way i talk and frankly the way i am….

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

me being alone .

Hey :) Hols was awesome , especially when imma out with my loves <3 Anyway , school started .... boring . At least im motivated to actually concentrate and stuff.... Gonna take taxi to school tomorrow .... have to bring a ginormous project and stuff . okay , imma go now , peace .

its weird how im used to being ignored , im used to being the outcast and im deffinetely used to being Alone.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amber/mine forever/

Hi there , Im bored ...

My dearest Amber and Krys is up there .

Okay Bye ><

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hi ~

Going to church today ~
Nothing much to post right now ,
So yeahh , Bye ~! :DD

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hi ! Still having fever , dint go to school today cause 1) im sick 2)Ponteng . Hoho~

Okay , i think i shall pot on my private blog >> www.my-forbiddensecrets.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hi there .

Im currently having fever , and i think i've been feverish for about a week or so .
I feel so siiccckkkk!
I hate it .
So damn hot.
My face is flushed red , so are my lips .
Weird , but being sick aint furrrn .

Okay bye .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My dear Magg-Oops ~

Hi there ~

Well , Had so much fun with my dear Magg-Oops .

School is such a BORE .... Gosh , nothing much to do .
Good thing Holidays are coming ~
Ive never been so excited about holidays ~!!!



Dixie and Rakee :
thanks so much for the fun we had ~~ You two are my DongSaeng's but you guys take care of me A L O T ^^ It's great to know that we've known each other since ..... uhm .... FOREVER!!! Well , Love you two ^^

Monday, May 16, 2011

Agenda ~

Hi there all ~ ^^

Today's agenda :

> Go to rakee's house

> Tune Guitar

> Learn "Hoot"

> Modify PSP

> Put games




> PLAY !


Shall post when i get back lataa ~~ :D

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Hi! Got back from the hospital , The baby was so cute , and His name is Jabriel :)

Me , Dixie and JonJon were like slacking around the hospital like no one's business . HOHO ! XD

Here are Low Quality pics of the cute cute Jabriel~

Howdy ~


Art exam , More like "Do finish work , Talk nonstop" Exam . Lol . Okay , Rushed my work then played around , keep throwing RubberBands at JingYi , PEACE . Then ... after school , went home , wet like fuck . Imma WET DOG .

Now Eating . Once im done, imma go play my game ;P Then ..... Afterwards going out to KKhospital ~~
So yeah , PISS ! XDD I mean PEACE ! XDD

I shall put screencaps later if i want LOL .Okay bye ~! Hohohohoo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Runescape escapade /

woohoo , screencaps ~! xD


Yo~ Today okay , I will never understand myself EVER .
One moment , i feel like the only person in the world .
Then next moment , Im surrounded by friends who are gut busting people ,
Keeping me laughing Like crazy .
Seriously , my mind is playing tricks on me xD
Its a good thing im optimistic .
I just keep moving forward .

School is boring ish , cause duhh its exam .
I dint do much of studying ....

I dont know what to post . Orz

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Insanity .

I feel insane ...
Well , im usually am insane , but this time ... my insanity is .. different .
I feel like smashing stuff... and i want to see those red marks on my hand . I dont know why .
Is it because im drifting away from my classmates?
Since im gaining more time with my true friends ?
Or is it because no one understands me in class, thats why i feel alone ?
Who knows , gosh , i never felt so careless before . I dont even care if my classmates dont give a shizz .
For all i care .... I guess i have to stand up alone , and face problems in school myself .

Peace .

Monday, May 9, 2011

Randomness with a couple of dork xD

Hiie people ~! Imma back ~!

Not much things to post so yeahh , imma not posting xD
I dont have readers anyway :O And uhhhmm , lets see ....
Okay , since i have nothing to post , imma post random pictures then xDD

She looks (MORE) awesome here :D!
This is dorkable xD
Pedo face xD

The ever so popular tongue jutting Amber~
KryBer for me ~

Okay , done ~!! Peace ! Oh yeah , here is a friends Doggiee~ Named Mollie , and me of course , the usual Dork i am xP

Monday, April 4, 2011


Hey , Just got home ;)

School wise , Hmm ..... nothing much , Did 2.4 for P.E , pushed myself to my limit , im proud , even though i still FAR FAR behind. Hahaha ~ Okay , ART was okay , had to stand outside , imma bad kid . LOL ... Okay , recess was per usual , Then went to G.O Ask about my EzLink , called MrRatnam like what 10times ? LOL . Then went to the uniform shop .... then went to F&N class late ... No need to do work ~! Was at a lab then I saw JiaYing since we shared a room with the sec 4's .... then can use handphone and stuff ... so i was listening music while messaging Gillian,JiaLe,Ayu and Another friend. then played techdeck , then Finish , LOL , OTW back to class , something happened , PISSED ME OFF . Then Maths class i was soooo damn pissed , -_- Okay Gillian managed to cheer me up , thanks sooo much ~ Okay , Geography was interesting as per usual . then ok Heres another story which happened after school :

Lost my EzLink , good for me some guy found it , Me and ayu went to PasirRis InterChange to claim it . First went to the SBS concourse waited in line and ended up , they say not there -____-
Then we went to the MRT concourse , waited in line AGAIN , And the guy say not there -___-!! We called the guy , and he said he left in the ticketing office .__. went there , queued up AGIAN!!! Then finally i found it , Happy like fudge, all thanks to YuYu ♥ Went to Mac , then went home ~

Okay , short post . Bye ~!


I dont know if im selfish , i Dont know if im wrong , but seriously , i have limits of kindness too .... But somehow , you dont realize that your actually hurting other people ...I Cant take your attitude anymore .... I wanted to tell you up front , but somehow , it'll make me seem like the bad person .... I wanted to tell you that your Attitude is annoying me , and really ... I dont like it now ... and honestly , i dont like YOU now .... Sorry , at least im kind enough to ... Say it nicely . But thats where i draw the line . GAME OVER .

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy birthday~!

Hi ~ Im early today ! Im such a good girl ^^~ Nothing much to do today ... unless i go play BasketBall with Rakee.... Hmm , i dont know what else i can post , sorta blank minded now , i've been quiet today ! YAY , Im happy , LOL , okay , thats all ? I think ...

Oh yeah , the night before yesterday , me celine and JiaLe thought of stuffs , and i actually cracked up one of the WORSTS ideas , LOL , im not creative okay .__. Hahaha , and finally we all agreed to something , bought Construction paper and other things , gave out 1 to each Peep , and then binded it together to give ZhenMin as a ... Card thingy :X Hope you liked it BTW :D

Okay , off now , BYE ~!

Okay , i know im suppose to post this yesterday ... but anyway here it is :

Happy BirthDay to the one and only ZhenMinho ~

Ive written everything i wanted to tell you , But as times passes , there are much more words for me to say. Your unique , but you dont know yet :D Your awesome , and all your friends knows that . Dont stress yourself , just be happy always ! ^^~ Sorry for everything i've done wrong to you , whether it was last year or this year .... I promise to be a better friend to you ! You will never be sad when your with me xD Okay , HAPPPYYY BIIRTTHDAYY ~!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

bored xD

Okay , havent been posting for awhile , im so sorry , But no one comes to this blog anyway.
School is Terrible , im kidding , school is Sorta , somewhat ... kinda... Fun ? But i dont like some people , no , actually , i dont like 75% of the kids there , but heh , What can i do .
Im loving taekwondo again , i finally got back my interest ~
Okay , shall stop here , Bye !

You always make me cry , even though i REALLY need it , you think im just playing along , hell no . I CANT TAKE THIS SHIZZ ANYMORE .
Your not a real friend , i hate you for acting like a good friend when your not .

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hi peeps ! Did'nt do much today :) Bored , and tired(of doing completely nothing) HEHEHE , Was suppose to skate today , but i got lazy . So i stayed at home and did Lazy-People-things . Well , nothing much to say today , okay , Byees!

Of all the things in life , that i could fear ....
The only thing that would hurt me , is if you weren't here ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hehehes .

Hi peeps , Had another day in school .

Maths Paper killed me a little , but it was manageable . Ate and fooled around with JiaLe,Celine,YanLi and JingYi . Nothing much , after that was science . Im telling you , even though i did the paper quickly , i swear i dont know what i was writing . HAHAHA.

Okay , thats all for now ^^


Try to remember , and you'll know .
I dont get mad for no reason ,
i have my reasons too .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cold war Day .

I hate my life , my everything . Honestly , even my lame family .

Anyway , Geog was sorta easy , except for some questions . Then ... ... Nothing much i guess . Oh yeah , and English . I wrote an essay about food ^-^ LOL , 65% Of the class wrote about "describe a time when you said or did something that you regretted" //.\\ Then 25% wrote about "A time when you were frightened ." So many people wrote about something they regret . LOL , Suppose to write about that topic too , but i thought i might be spilling out secrets ;) LOLOLOL .

Anyway , today is marked as my unlucky day . Wanna know why ? heh , this marked the day , i had the longest cold war Ever :)

LOL , it was so long , that it beat Heidi's score . Lol *Dont know what im talking about*

Longest Cold war record

Now : 8months
Before: 2months

Epic huh ? LOLOLOL . Anyway , thats all , BYEE !

Cold war day xD

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Fuck you . Im a teen , i have a life . I need freedom too -____- Tshk . Forget it ...

Anyw , YOU are a bitch , whatever i tweet , you check it out , either follow MY friends , stalk them or , You'll like the songs i listen to . Dude ,please , i get far from you and yet your bugging my life . FUCK YOU .

Friday, February 18, 2011

One of a kind .

Hi peeps . My mum's asking that question again , its like she's pressuring me . But honestly , i made up my mind . Hehehe . Anyway .... School is alright , besides the point that i sleep during some lessons , im pretty stable . HAHAHAHA . LOL .

Well , tomorrow , going to throw up on someone . Hauuhhh .... hauh hauh ... I dont want to see her -____- Id rather jump off the building . Seriously . Anyw , gonna act like she's not around , since
Population : 10
My side of the population : 10 -1 = 9 .
Her side of the population : 10-9 = 1 .


Mika and me :

Mike : i love chocolates.
Me: Dude , your random . And thats just epic.
Mika: Yeah , ikr ? Your Epic .
Me: Yup , i was talking about me the whole time ;P

Your one of a kind to me . Your unique , and i love you just the way you are .

I always have That feeling when you miss someone so much that your heart feels like its sinking .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I cant believe i camwhore when im bored , i guess thats lame LOL . Okay , i miss Waveboarding ... Gonna go out and board soonnn i hope . Well , shall put retarded pics now ^-^

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To all my friends

Dedicated to all my friends:)

No matter what happens , what i have decided , no matter what obsticles pass us , We're still gonna be friends forever :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

MBLAQ Tonight ~

I Guess i can relate to this . Sorta .

Yeah this is love I think I love you baby..Please come back to me

Faintly you come into my vision, your translucent appearance (If it become clear my heart starts to beat)
You .. come back to me Oh
I want to wash away the painful heart, do you know how I feel (My heart hurts, it really hurts)
Remember me.. I love you
Just you are my girl You can’t return to me
I miss you and I miss you every day, but I am the only hopeless one

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me Tonight you are the one I will protect ...

Don’t say that you want to forget, if you think about it more my heart hurts
(Love me, take me with you ) You come back OH
The scars left on my heart, now I will erase it
(Baby I love u lady I love u) I still love you
Even when my breath is overwhelming, I can still keep running
You are the one who will accept my heart if I keep wanting

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me Tonight you are the one I will protect ...

When I open my eyes I tell you I love you Love you I love you
The world that I waited for everyday Love you I love you
I crave you and want you, my heart wants to find you again, but where are you
My heart misses you, wants you, and wait for you from afar, can you even hear my heart

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me Tonight you are the one I will protect ...

Friday, February 11, 2011


Hi peeps !

Today :

LA : Did test , quite easy :P
MT : Played Truth or Dare , AGAIN .
Music : nothing muchh ~
Recess : Played Basketball for awhile then off to class .
CME : Late to come in to class . Had to stand , then teacher say must stay back . Then did the Mandala thing , and some other stuff .
LA1 : Nothing much just copied stuff .

After School ~

Stayed back , cleaned up class room , then off to Basketball court .
Played Bball like no ones business . Then Harith played Soccer , so i started to play as well , then played basketball . HAHAHA , I played Basketball and soccer at the same time xP So pro ! Hehehe , went home at around , 3 . Then at bus-stop with Deravic , Darryl and Harith we plot something . KEKEK! Then at home , ate , watch now using com . Nothing much going to skate if it doesnt rain . Hehehe , Byee :)


My prize posession , one and only
Oh i adore you .
The one i cant live without , thats you ;)
-JB !

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heh , dont worry ;D

Mum asking me to pick if im staying in SG or not ...Hais , what a dilemma !*goes nuts and starts to cry*

I’ll never leave you ;) I’d never make you angry , and if i do , i’ll apologize a hundred times , Just so you can forgive me . And i’d never get mad at you for a long time , maybe just awhile , and no more :) Don’t worry ;P

:) Don’t worry ;P

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A day out .

Hi peeps :) Lets see on Sat :

Woke up at 9+ ... Then went to take a bath , then off to Whitesands to meet Celine . Was playing my PSP on the way ... While waiting for Celine i was still playing PSP xD Then , took MRT to tamp . Wait for 30 mins for Zhenmin and Darryl :P Then .. Took train to Nex . Ate at Subway , then went to Comics Connection . It's like ZhenMin went shopping ;P HAHAHA , but thanks for the badge ;)) Then Deravic found us there ... LOL ? XD then we went to the arcade ... HAD FUN . I got mesmerized by the crane game :/ Hahaha ,then we went around the mall ... ZhenMin bought stuffs at Popular . Then off to KFC to eeaat . I only stole fries from Deravic /LOL . Played truth or Dare , but we ended up playing it outside cause we were too noisy ... Soon after , mum called , Got scolded , then got pissed off . I was rude to Celine and Zhenmin , sorry :X Then bussed home , moment i reach home , got a big bear hug from my princess :) Then soon after , We went to the beach ... I skate for awhile then stared at the horizon . Then left ... then at home , nothing much to say . Hehehe , ending here peeps:)

Gonna post at my private blog , please visit :)))

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heh .

Hey... Love you people :D LOL . Hmm , well i guess there isnt much thing to talk about ... In school ... Uhhm... I guess its pretty fun , considering that im one of two girls who are NOISY :) Okay , practically , this life sucks . No matter how hard i try , i still fail . Cant i just live normally ? Heh , my parents are another problem . Why ? Huh , i dunno . Please just end my life -____- My mom's asking me if id go with her back to the Phillippines ... If i go , i wont come back ... Ever . What am i to do?!

Kryber , should cheer me up ...:/

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tamp with me friends!~

Hey :D Pictures that me , rakee and mika took when we went to T1 ^-^

Lol .
HEHEHE , Selfmade SALAD!
Partially done Salad!

Born in style with me lil' bro !

Stolen shot O-O
Happy Mika ! XD
Carl's Junior ~
Hehehe , Born in style !
Busy Rakee , messaging ...?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Stupid -___-

I hate my life and the people in my lame , no good and senseless Life .


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ihateyoubigtime .

Hmm ... Hiie , Im not really all that Bugged about school ... its alright ... i guess . Hm ... nothing much ... Sorta Pissed , sad , annoyed , mad and Down ... But i guess i have to cope with my feelings . HAHAHA . hmmm , then , i guess .. i should just be quiet . LOL , yeah right . I'll still be noisy , but its at my own risk now .

-Out of all the people , your the one i thought of having to HATE a lot ... -

Things i wrote in my diary :

*The thoughts of changing my place of study has been coming to me ...Should I ? Mom said she's going back to the Philippines ... Should i follow and just study there ?*

*I feel like studying overseas .. i dont feel like studying here anymore ..*

*Its a good thing my mom is searching for a Job in Australia *

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

School reopened , and it sux

School reopened ... Din't feel nice or anything ... felt , like ... normal i guess ... nothing changed , im still JUST that kid . Pssshht , dont care , i guess im alone till i get myself a new friend , called , Dependence *cheeky* HAHAHAHA , Well , besides ... the fact that school was BORING , and hmm ... the happiness faded , thats all i could say about today , maybe things will go better right ? but im not counting on it .

Dudes , your dedication thingy . LOL

Rakee : I know you miss your primary school , but im always here for you ^-^ never think that your alone just because your in a new environment . Just think of it as a new place to explore :) a new chapter in a book and stuff :) Im always your Brother and i'll always be here to support you ^-^ Love yaa~

Dixie : Heyhey , i know you love your school , your the daring one , but please ... take things a little slowly ... dont start slacking off :P I'll meet you anytime im free cause our schools are really close :D Hope you'll like your classmates , and still get along with Hannah :) Love you dude ^-^