Friday, February 11, 2011


Hi peeps !

Today :

LA : Did test , quite easy :P
MT : Played Truth or Dare , AGAIN .
Music : nothing muchh ~
Recess : Played Basketball for awhile then off to class .
CME : Late to come in to class . Had to stand , then teacher say must stay back . Then did the Mandala thing , and some other stuff .
LA1 : Nothing much just copied stuff .

After School ~

Stayed back , cleaned up class room , then off to Basketball court .
Played Bball like no ones business . Then Harith played Soccer , so i started to play as well , then played basketball . HAHAHA , I played Basketball and soccer at the same time xP So pro ! Hehehe , went home at around , 3 . Then at bus-stop with Deravic , Darryl and Harith we plot something . KEKEK! Then at home , ate , watch now using com . Nothing much going to skate if it doesnt rain . Hehehe , Byee :)


My prize posession , one and only
Oh i adore you .
The one i cant live without , thats you ;)
-JB !

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