Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hi peeps ! Did'nt do much today :) Bored , and tired(of doing completely nothing) HEHEHE , Was suppose to skate today , but i got lazy . So i stayed at home and did Lazy-People-things . Well , nothing much to say today , okay , Byees!

Of all the things in life , that i could fear ....
The only thing that would hurt me , is if you weren't here ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hehehes .

Hi peeps , Had another day in school .

Maths Paper killed me a little , but it was manageable . Ate and fooled around with JiaLe,Celine,YanLi and JingYi . Nothing much , after that was science . Im telling you , even though i did the paper quickly , i swear i dont know what i was writing . HAHAHA.

Okay , thats all for now ^^


Try to remember , and you'll know .
I dont get mad for no reason ,
i have my reasons too .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cold war Day .

I hate my life , my everything . Honestly , even my lame family .

Anyway , Geog was sorta easy , except for some questions . Then ... ... Nothing much i guess . Oh yeah , and English . I wrote an essay about food ^-^ LOL , 65% Of the class wrote about "describe a time when you said or did something that you regretted" //.\\ Then 25% wrote about "A time when you were frightened ." So many people wrote about something they regret . LOL , Suppose to write about that topic too , but i thought i might be spilling out secrets ;) LOLOLOL .

Anyway , today is marked as my unlucky day . Wanna know why ? heh , this marked the day , i had the longest cold war Ever :)

LOL , it was so long , that it beat Heidi's score . Lol *Dont know what im talking about*

Longest Cold war record

Now : 8months
Before: 2months

Epic huh ? LOLOLOL . Anyway , thats all , BYEE !

Cold war day xD

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Fuck you . Im a teen , i have a life . I need freedom too -____- Tshk . Forget it ...

Anyw , YOU are a bitch , whatever i tweet , you check it out , either follow MY friends , stalk them or , You'll like the songs i listen to . Dude ,please , i get far from you and yet your bugging my life . FUCK YOU .

Friday, February 18, 2011

One of a kind .

Hi peeps . My mum's asking that question again , its like she's pressuring me . But honestly , i made up my mind . Hehehe . Anyway .... School is alright , besides the point that i sleep during some lessons , im pretty stable . HAHAHAHA . LOL .

Well , tomorrow , going to throw up on someone . Hauuhhh .... hauh hauh ... I dont want to see her -____- Id rather jump off the building . Seriously . Anyw , gonna act like she's not around , since
Population : 10
My side of the population : 10 -1 = 9 .
Her side of the population : 10-9 = 1 .


Mika and me :

Mike : i love chocolates.
Me: Dude , your random . And thats just epic.
Mika: Yeah , ikr ? Your Epic .
Me: Yup , i was talking about me the whole time ;P

Your one of a kind to me . Your unique , and i love you just the way you are .

I always have That feeling when you miss someone so much that your heart feels like its sinking .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I cant believe i camwhore when im bored , i guess thats lame LOL . Okay , i miss Waveboarding ... Gonna go out and board soonnn i hope . Well , shall put retarded pics now ^-^

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To all my friends

Dedicated to all my friends:)

No matter what happens , what i have decided , no matter what obsticles pass us , We're still gonna be friends forever :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

MBLAQ Tonight ~

I Guess i can relate to this . Sorta .

Yeah this is love I think I love you baby..Please come back to me

Faintly you come into my vision, your translucent appearance (If it become clear my heart starts to beat)
You .. come back to me Oh
I want to wash away the painful heart, do you know how I feel (My heart hurts, it really hurts)
Remember me.. I love you
Just you are my girl You can’t return to me
I miss you and I miss you every day, but I am the only hopeless one

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me Tonight you are the one I will protect ...

Don’t say that you want to forget, if you think about it more my heart hurts
(Love me, take me with you ) You come back OH
The scars left on my heart, now I will erase it
(Baby I love u lady I love u) I still love you
Even when my breath is overwhelming, I can still keep running
You are the one who will accept my heart if I keep wanting

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me Tonight you are the one I will protect ...

When I open my eyes I tell you I love you Love you I love you
The world that I waited for everyday Love you I love you
I crave you and want you, my heart wants to find you again, but where are you
My heart misses you, wants you, and wait for you from afar, can you even hear my heart

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me

Don’t ever say the words that you will leave me
You are the person who will protect ~ me
Don’t think about anything else too
I don't want it girl baby
Come back, will you stay by my side, I’m sorry will you stay by my side
Oh baby Oh lady say that you love me Tonight you are the one I will protect ...

Friday, February 11, 2011


Hi peeps !

Today :

LA : Did test , quite easy :P
MT : Played Truth or Dare , AGAIN .
Music : nothing muchh ~
Recess : Played Basketball for awhile then off to class .
CME : Late to come in to class . Had to stand , then teacher say must stay back . Then did the Mandala thing , and some other stuff .
LA1 : Nothing much just copied stuff .

After School ~

Stayed back , cleaned up class room , then off to Basketball court .
Played Bball like no ones business . Then Harith played Soccer , so i started to play as well , then played basketball . HAHAHA , I played Basketball and soccer at the same time xP So pro ! Hehehe , went home at around , 3 . Then at bus-stop with Deravic , Darryl and Harith we plot something . KEKEK! Then at home , ate , watch now using com . Nothing much going to skate if it doesnt rain . Hehehe , Byee :)


My prize posession , one and only
Oh i adore you .
The one i cant live without , thats you ;)
-JB !

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heh , dont worry ;D

Mum asking me to pick if im staying in SG or not ...Hais , what a dilemma !*goes nuts and starts to cry*

I’ll never leave you ;) I’d never make you angry , and if i do , i’ll apologize a hundred times , Just so you can forgive me . And i’d never get mad at you for a long time , maybe just awhile , and no more :) Don’t worry ;P

:) Don’t worry ;P

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A day out .

Hi peeps :) Lets see on Sat :

Woke up at 9+ ... Then went to take a bath , then off to Whitesands to meet Celine . Was playing my PSP on the way ... While waiting for Celine i was still playing PSP xD Then , took MRT to tamp . Wait for 30 mins for Zhenmin and Darryl :P Then .. Took train to Nex . Ate at Subway , then went to Comics Connection . It's like ZhenMin went shopping ;P HAHAHA , but thanks for the badge ;)) Then Deravic found us there ... LOL ? XD then we went to the arcade ... HAD FUN . I got mesmerized by the crane game :/ Hahaha ,then we went around the mall ... ZhenMin bought stuffs at Popular . Then off to KFC to eeaat . I only stole fries from Deravic /LOL . Played truth or Dare , but we ended up playing it outside cause we were too noisy ... Soon after , mum called , Got scolded , then got pissed off . I was rude to Celine and Zhenmin , sorry :X Then bussed home , moment i reach home , got a big bear hug from my princess :) Then soon after , We went to the beach ... I skate for awhile then stared at the horizon . Then left ... then at home , nothing much to say . Hehehe , ending here peeps:)

Gonna post at my private blog , please visit :)))

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heh .

Hey... Love you people :D LOL . Hmm , well i guess there isnt much thing to talk about ... In school ... Uhhm... I guess its pretty fun , considering that im one of two girls who are NOISY :) Okay , practically , this life sucks . No matter how hard i try , i still fail . Cant i just live normally ? Heh , my parents are another problem . Why ? Huh , i dunno . Please just end my life -____- My mom's asking me if id go with her back to the Phillippines ... If i go , i wont come back ... Ever . What am i to do?!

Kryber , should cheer me up ...:/