Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Peace is all i ask for. please grant this wish.

Heyy heyy! :) i'll start with yesterday.

29/6 (Tuesday) :Almost late for school (again^^) lucky SugarBaby and Gurlfwen Waited for me ^^ thankyou! hearts you two loads! went to school. blahblahblah. Went to the boring sculpter walk....kept playing a fool with SugarBaby and Gurlfwen :) haha ate a Mac....then continue the boring walk...under the sun. i hated it. id rather go to school and have lessons.Anyway,after that went back to school...went to caltex...SugarBaby and Gurlfwen came too! of course!then...Deravic blanja me! yay yay yay! thankyou^^then went to the bus-stop.Saw Elysha. I approach her then ask her why so lonely...then me and Gurlfwen invite her go with us to 201 Mac to slack slack she came.Played around at 201 Mac....then went around. Went to the toilet upstairs...then i keep scaring they all got ghost >.<>

30/6:woke up then went to school...timetable change abit...:( then watched a boring documentary about fat penguins....not much ppl were listening.mostly people were passing messages with each other and i was one of em' ehehes! then i received a really really SHOCKING letter. it's not i dont like the question but it's very uh...surprising? yes thats the word. then after school stayed back abit cause got punishment. i hate you miss Teo...then went to TM with SugarBaby,Gurlfwen and YanLi. ate at LJS then met Cyrus....then went to CS...bought a present for Elysha.Then met Ashyboy. Then go home. the end! hahas was suppose to meet Elysha but then i couldn't tell her i could not tell her cause i got to stay back. sorry Elysha ^^

**urhh...i know you don't like the truth but what i told you was real. Sad to say i want the old you back. :) **

-all i want from God is Peace. Why is there fighting when everyone could just be friends? could we all just be reasonable and forgive and forget ? please god oh god grant this :))

Monday, June 28, 2010

hais. :) first day? Typical ^^ yay

Heyy^^ school re-open today! ^^ had a nice day too:) i feel very smiley hahas! nothing to post cause im lazy!!! and i MISS SHARMAINE JOY and PAUL TIMOTHY!!! hearts you two lotss ^^
okay then...oh and...i DONT WANT TO HEAR/SEE/TOUCH/SMELL anything related to Korean Hearthrobs/GirlBands/BoyBands/Etc; beacouse i dont like it. its urhh...not my thing hahas!!! :D pease outzz!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Philippines was A.W.E.S.O.M.E

Hey Guys! Im back from the best vacation of my life!Ok this is a long post so squint your eyes to read it :D FYI: Ate means JieJie, Kuya Means KorKor.

Day I (Friday) :woke up at 5.30am bathe and prepared.took of to the airport at about 6+.reached there waited then bid my dad farewell! at the plane super boring.3hrs pass by and im in my beloved Philippines^_^ landed then went through security checks then took out baggage.Met my ♥20yr old Aunt(but we treat each other like sisters so i call her "Ate Joy") and saw her husband(he so cute hahas!) then we headed to "kuya Timothy's"(but i call him kuya tim) car! my jiejie baby so cute sia(my cousin)! hahas then drove to the highway then ate at ChowKing^_^ yummy! hahas. After that headed home. their house damn nice ^_^ hahas awhile later my mom had to go.Then Kuya Tim,Ate Joy and me play a fool around the house while my cousin sleeping.then at night we ride at Kuya tim's motorcycle. Fun sia! he drive damn fast! then the wind like splashing towards your face liddat! Ahahas! bought chewing gum then go home.borrowed a "pedicab" from my neighbour...i drove and carried My cousin and Kuya tim...haha fun fun fun! then slept at about 3am.

Day 2 (Saturday): woke up bathed then played Ps3 for awhile.then my mom's friend came.he talked to me.xian! LOL. then my mom go out with him. then continue play Ps3. then icecream man passed by! yipee! bought yam and cheese flavored icecream! NICE! after that Fishball man came! hahas! bought fishball!!! yuummmy! then eat eat eat realised my stomach pain ler. hahas. then...the sky turned dark! rained! hahas! Me,Ate Joy and Kuya Tim play in the rain. but then the rain so soft -.-" so kuya tim and me wet our selfs using gardening host! hahas! after that we all wet le go to our house the roof then lie down there! lucky no lighting! hahas. at night ride moreocycle again! hahas then go to sleep.

Day 3 (Sunday): woke up early then bathed and went to cousins house. reached there about 1.30. when reaching they're house i saw my cousin on a waveboard at the street. then i was like "hey ma! look! Jed(my cousins name) have waveboard!" then we all went off the car. i look at Jed amature :S then her was like rubbing in my face he know how to ride waveboard. then i told him lend me. then i do the usual tricks i do. i look at him when im done...his mouth was like wide oped. he was so stunned:S hahas. then after the epic scene went to a family friend's house...i dint like the people there :/ wasted the whole day there...lucky my cousins and i played at the basketball court.

Day 4 (Monday): Went to SM city!! went around drank fruit juice then ate at yoshinya then Kuya tim and Ate Joy so excited to eat there! DIAO...LOL eat finnish go to the department store. Bought alot of things there! i love SM! hahas . i was so close to buying skate shoes but then Ate Joy say dun need...i ♥ my Ate Joy thats why i follow her! plus becoz she has the sense of fashion ! hahas! about 10pm took taxi and headed home. had Joy ride at the motorcycle again! then off to LaLaLand. had to wake up at 3am to prepare to go to Baguio City! woots!

Day 5 (Tuesday) : woke up 2am++ bathed...then waited at the S.U.V sat at the front...Driver was Kuya Tim. you know why we wake up so early? couse to get to Baguio in car is to travel 6hrs from my place. Stylo milo? yes yes it is. hahas. thats why i look up to kuya tim! hahas. we fetched a couple of friends then headed there...reached Baguio at about 10am+ the view there was breath taking...settled our things then went of to SM city Baguio with my Kuya Tim's friend Kuya Jhong. ate breakfast then went to camp John Hay. Went HorseBack riding! so sososo fun! after that went to paintball republic! nice place...went to Flying Fox first! then the vertical down scaling! scary man! so high! hahas but lucky im not scared! hahas! my mom scream here scream there we all laughing at her hahas! then after that went to paintball shoot out! fun fun fun! hahas! shot 59/65 hahas! then went home at about 7pm! slept until midnight....woke up then slacked at the car....then slept again...

Day 6 (Wednesday): woke up at 7am...then ate breakfast...then went to the cathedral....took pictures...then after that went to the so so smelly....smell like dead meat!!! hahahas! LOL then at 9am go back to the cathedral.Drove of home...reached home...went to my mom's friends house...ate there...then left my mom Kuya tim,Kuya Jhong,Ate joy and me go home...i played with mathes...i have to was pretty cool...hahas while doing that kuya jhong was doing the laundry,kuya tim was washing the car and ate joy was smoking...hahas. after that bathed and watched a movie in the room. i love the room couse got aircon hahas! LOL

Day 7 (Thursday):went to SM City Marilou...nice....very big.reach inside we faster eat! my mom was like "okok go eat i pity you all...take three steps hungry le." then we all laugh laugh laugh. after eating went to the grocery,kuya tim and ate joy seperate from my mom...then we just go around the place. met my mom and left her at the grocery cause we had to take care of my cousin so we faster go home.

Day 8 (Friday): Kuya tim and Darren's(my cousin's name) Birthday!! woots! celebrated!!! hahas. partied alot hahas. then had joy ride again at night! my last night there...:( sad

Day 9 (Satyrday): Went home...:( i miss ate joy....sad sad sad...

To AteJoy: I LOVE YOU TOO BEBE! lol?
To KuyaTim: Thankyou kuya ^^ ang baet mo tlaga! mabigay ka rin...take care of my ate ok...
To KuyaJhong: hahas! Makulit ka! pero mabaet rin ^_^

Philippines was A.W.E.S.O.M.E

Hey Guys! Im back from the best vacation of my life!Ok this is a long post so squint your eyes to read it :D FYI: Ate means JieJie, Kuya Means KorKor.

Day I (Friday) :woke up at 5.30am bathe and prepared.took of to the airport at about 6+.reached there waited then bid my dad farewell! at the plane super boring.3hrs pass by and im in my beloved Philippines^_^ landed then went through security checks then took out baggage.Met my ♥20yr old Aunt(but we treat each other like sisters so i call her "Ate Joy") and saw her husband(he so cute hahas!) then we headed to "kuya Timothy's"(but i call him kuya tim) car! my jiejie baby so cute sia(my cousin)! hahas then drove to the highway then ate at ChowKing^_^ yummy! hahas. After that headed home. their house damn nice ^_^ hahas awhile later my mom had to go.Then Kuya Tim,Ate Joy and me play a fool around the house while my cousin sleeping.then at night we ride at Kuya tim's motorcycle. Fun sia! he drive damn fast! then the wind like splashing towards your face liddat! Ahahas! bought chewing gum then go home.borrowed a "pedicab" from my neighbour...i drove and carried My cousin and Kuya tim...haha fun fun fun! then slept at about 3am.

Day 2 (Saturday): woke up bathed then played Ps3 for awhile.then my mom's friend came.he talked to me.xian! LOL. then my mom go out with him. then continue play Ps3. then icecream man passed by! yipee! bought yam and cheese flavored icecream! NICE! after that Fishball man came! hahas! bought fishball!!! yuummmy! then eat eat eat realised my stomach pain ler. hahas. then...the sky turned dark! rained! hahas! Me,Ate Joy and Kuya Tim play in the rain. but then the rain so soft -.-" so kuya tim and me wet our selfs using gardening host! hahas! after that we all wet le go to our house the roof then lie down there! lucky no lighting! hahas. at night ride moreocycle again! hahas then go to sleep.

Day 3 (Sunday): woke up early then bathed and went to cousins house. reached there about 1.30. when reaching they're house i saw my cousin on a waveboard at the street. then i was like "hey ma! look! Jed(my cousins name) have waveboard!" then we all went off the car. i look at Jed amature :S then her was like rubbing in my face he know how to ride waveboard. then i told him lend me. then i do the usual tricks i do. i look at him when im done...his mouth was like wide oped. he was so stunned:S hahas. then after the epic scene went to a family friend's house...i dint like the people there :/ wasted the whole day there...lucky my cousins and i played at the basketball court.

Day 4 (Monday): Went to SM city!! went around drank fruit juice then ate at yoshinya then Kuya tim and Ate Joy so excited to eat there! DIAO...LOL eat finnish go to the department store. Bought alot of things there! i love SM! hahas . i was so close to buying skate shoes but then Ate Joy say dun need...i ♥ my Ate Joy thats why i follow her! plus becoz she has the sense of fashion ! hahas! about 10pm took taxi and headed home. had Joy ride at the motorcycle again! then off to LaLaLand. had to wake up at 3am to prepare to go to Baguio City! woots!

Day 5 (Tuesday) : woke up 2am++ bathed...then waited at the S.U.V sat at the front...Driver was Kuya Tim. you know why we wake up so early? couse to get to Baguio in car is to travel 6hrs from my place. Stylo milo? yes yes it is. hahas. thats why i look up to kuya tim! hahas. we fetched a couple of friends then headed there...reached Baguio at about 10am+ the view there was breath taking...settled our things then went of to SM city Baguio with my Kuya Tim's friend Kuya Jhong. ate breakfast then went to camp John Hay. Went HorseBack riding! so sososo fun! after that went to paintball republic! nice place...went to Flying Fox first! then the vertical down scaling! scary man! so high! hahas but lucky im not scared! hahas! my mom scream here scream there we all laughing at her hahas! then after that went to paintball shoot out! fun fun fun! hahas! shot 59/65 hahas! then went home at about 7pm! slept until midnight....woke up then slacked at the car....then slept again...

Day 6 (Wednesday): woke up at 7am...then ate breakfast...then went to the cathedral....took pictures...then after that went to the so so smelly....smell like dead meat!!! hahahas! LOL then at 9am go back to the cathedral.Drove of home...reached home...went to my mom's friends house...ate there...then left my mom Kuya tim,Kuya Jhong,Ate joy and me go home...i played with mathes...i have to was pretty cool...hahas while doing that kuya jhong was doing the laundry,kuya tim was washing the car and ate joy was smoking...hahas. after that bathed and watched a movie in the room. i love the room couse got aircon hahas! LOL

Day 7 (Thursday):went to SM City Marilou...nice....very big.reach inside we faster eat! my mom was like "okok go eat i pity you all...take three steps hungry le." then we all laugh laugh laugh. after eating went to the grocery,kuya tim and ate joy seperate from my mom...then we just go around the place. met my mom and left her at the grocery cause we had to take care of my cousin so we faster go home.

Day 8 (Friday): Kuya tim and Darren's(my cousin's name) Birthday!! woots! celebrated!!! hahas. partied alot hahas. then had joy ride again at night! my last night there...:( sad

Day 9 (Satyrday): Went home...:( i miss ate joy....sad sad sad...

To AteJoy: I LOVE YOU TOO BEBE! lol?
To KuyaTim: Thankyou kuya ^^ ang baet mo tlaga! mabigay ka rin...take care of my ate ok...
To KuyaJhong: hahas! Makulit ka! pero mabaet rin ^_^

Thursday, June 17, 2010


AWESOME! Tomorrow is the big day! i'm more excited to ride the plane O_O keke! hahas alrighties then! nothing much to post! i'll try to post when im in the plane! Taq me please! thanks!
