Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Peace is all i ask for. please grant this wish.

Heyy heyy! :) i'll start with yesterday.

29/6 (Tuesday) :Almost late for school (again^^) lucky SugarBaby and Gurlfwen Waited for me ^^ thankyou! hearts you two loads! went to school. blahblahblah. Went to the boring sculpter walk....kept playing a fool with SugarBaby and Gurlfwen :) haha ate a Mac....then continue the boring walk...under the sun. i hated it. id rather go to school and have lessons.Anyway,after that went back to school...went to caltex...SugarBaby and Gurlfwen came too! of course!then...Deravic blanja me! yay yay yay! thankyou^^then went to the bus-stop.Saw Elysha. I approach her then ask her why so lonely...then me and Gurlfwen invite her go with us to 201 Mac to slack slack she came.Played around at 201 Mac....then went around. Went to the toilet upstairs...then i keep scaring they all got ghost >.<>

30/6:woke up then went to school...timetable change abit...:( then watched a boring documentary about fat penguins....not much ppl were listening.mostly people were passing messages with each other and i was one of em' ehehes! then i received a really really SHOCKING letter. it's not i dont like the question but it's very uh...surprising? yes thats the word. then after school stayed back abit cause got punishment. i hate you miss Teo...then went to TM with SugarBaby,Gurlfwen and YanLi. ate at LJS then met Cyrus....then went to CS...bought a present for Elysha.Then met Ashyboy. Then go home. the end! hahas was suppose to meet Elysha but then i couldn't tell her i could not tell her cause i got to stay back. sorry Elysha ^^

**urhh...i know you don't like the truth but what i told you was real. Sad to say i want the old you back. :) **

-all i want from God is Peace. Why is there fighting when everyone could just be friends? could we all just be reasonable and forgive and forget ? please god oh god grant this :))

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