Sunday, November 14, 2010

Im sorry ...

Hii ! Bought my winter clothes already ! Yeaaayy !! Spent like $200+ OvO Hehehehe . Hmm ... nothing much to post ... uhhmm ... ... ...
tumblr_kt3b16mW5B1qzdiqvo1_400.jpg love quote image by xitsnicole

To Dixie and Rakee :

You guys , dont be sad . Be excited . Its a whole new world for you ! Yeah , you WILL miss your primary school , but all and all , it aint that bad :) Hey , Facebook still exists you know . And Dixie , Dont cry . Your uhm ... stronger*cough* than that . Hehehe , Rakee , if your sure to come to my school , i'll be your bestest buddy ! (I already am :P) Okay then ... Spend your last few days memorably okay ? ^^
-Your Ate . eeww , Kuya sounds better . HAHAHAHA xD

okay ! BYE !

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