Monday, November 29, 2010


Dixie:I want!
Rakee: MINE.
Backstreet kids!
Yo whatsup we're Cool! xD
Its Icecreammm~
Dixie:Hey look at the light!
Me:Yummm , icecream!

Dixie: Where's my clip?!
Me: Yo~ Peace !

Us: Look up peeps!

Dixie: Icecreammm~
Rakee: -NomNom-

Wassabe ! now having sleepover at Dixie's house !! With Rakee! Watched horror movie ... I got so scared hide under the blanket .... LiQin still want to scare me . Down here so scared then cry .
After that posted pictures in twitter! ^-^ Then now waiting to watch Rapunzel Aka , Tangled ! i posted pictures. ENJOY XD Please do continue tagging ^-^

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lazy to post . sorry .

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bye all for now ^^

Hihihi ! Today is the day i go to Korea ~ Been busy these few days buying my stuffzzz . Hehehe , well ... Eliyah and Dixie wer'e forcing me to Audition for the Jyp thingy , i hadnt decide . Okay then ... short post .. please tag while im gone ! Gonna be back at 23nov(tues) ! See you all then ! ^^

Friendship is missing someone whenever you're apart, but some how feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. ^^

Monday, November 15, 2010

Friends are right there .

Hiie ! Nothing much to post ...

While Video calling with LiQin Noona her brother came and was like :
LiQin's Brother : Who's that?(reffering to me )
LiQin : She , Eh ? He , My boyfriend .
Me : -LMAO-
LiQin's Brother : You said She . Then you say your boyfriend . (smth like that)
LiQin: Yaah , talking to my Boyfriend , now go away .
Me : -More LMAO-
LiQin's Brother : He wearing that kind of BreakDance Cap !
LiQin : No , he dont dance .
Me: - wth -

End .


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Im sorry ...

Hii ! Bought my winter clothes already ! Yeaaayy !! Spent like $200+ OvO Hehehehe . Hmm ... nothing much to post ... uhhmm ... ... ...
tumblr_kt3b16mW5B1qzdiqvo1_400.jpg love quote image by xitsnicole

To Dixie and Rakee :

You guys , dont be sad . Be excited . Its a whole new world for you ! Yeah , you WILL miss your primary school , but all and all , it aint that bad :) Hey , Facebook still exists you know . And Dixie , Dont cry . Your uhm ... stronger*cough* than that . Hehehe , Rakee , if your sure to come to my school , i'll be your bestest buddy ! (I already am :P) Okay then ... Spend your last few days memorably okay ? ^^
-Your Ate . eeww , Kuya sounds better . HAHAHAHA xD

okay ! BYE !

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why did she say this ? "i really like u...more than a friend ...we dont really noe each other but i somehow had a crush on u...u have someone else...that hurts me so much...i dont mind u being a girl...i somehow feel jelous when u talk about ur someone else... thats why i will suddenlt turn quiet...its soo embarrassing to do this...but i had to for my feelings to ''loosen''... i hope u dont get mad at me... " Ughh ! DIXIE you encouraged her !! Hahaha xD

Friday, November 12, 2010

Merry Christmas yoo~ ! ^^

Lazy to post this few days ... Been playing Basketball with Rakee this few days ... Eliyah has been messaging me EVERY morning ... And her friends are somehow stalking me ... (Please, leave me alone ! im innocent!) Hmm ... Thats all ... oh yeah ... Going to Korea next week ... havent bought my winterclothes yet ... hahaha xD Hmm ... well ... thats all ! Byiie! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Long post .

Hello! been a few days since i updated blog ! Been lazy :D Anyway here is my longlong story

Friday: At night , made ZhenMin Explode ... all because of LIQIN ! KIDDING . Then ended up we three on the phone for 2-3hours? Yeah ... then ended up get scolded by mum -.-

Saturday : Went to church with Cousins ! No Eliyah ): No Dixie too ): Then nevermind ... Aunty say she want to pick Dixie at the Chalet , then i was like "EHH!! I want to go too! " Then i asked Rakee whether she wanted to guy or not . she said yes! So Mika said she'll follow too (: Went to eat first then Bused to DownTown East without Aunty ! Went to disturb dixie , then saw Eliyah O.o After that , Dixie threw a waterballoon at me , i go scream at her " YOU CANNOT HIT ME WITH A WATER BALLOON , IM RAIN , IM TOO GOOD TO GET HURT BY YOU " , Then Dixie go call her classmates aim their waterballoons at me ! WTH ?! I luckily duck all (: Went to bring Eliyah Around Downtown east ... We ended up in Mac ... Mika and Rakee Bought Fries and A large drink ... While they were ... I was teasing Eliyah ! Hehehe :P Then at 11+ all her friends go home , the Dixie was like "Ehh , no one staying in the Chalet? Waste $139 sia ....You all wanna stay ? " then Me, Rakee and Mika 's Parents allow us stay! woots~! Ate dess go take our things while we 4 at the chalet... I was in the balcony on the phone with LiQin and ZhenMin ... so was dixie! LOL , that night no one slept . hehehe , sort of . When Mika Sleept , me And Rakee keep laughing like some crazy fella .... hehehe! BROTHERHOOD-NESS! LOL .

Sunday : Woke up at 7+ Then got ready ... bought stuffs at Mac , then went home .... Went out with my family on that day ... bought new tee's , new wear on , and and A NEW CAP !! YESSSA!
Then nothing more!

Today : Went to fetch Rakee in her school , went to her house , took basketballs , then went to eat... then after that went to play Bball in the court for 30mins ... then got lazy ... then go Dixie's house watch "Paranormal activity2" Then LiQin see until my reaction keep teasing me . LOL ! now Chatting with Ayu and ZhenMin .. Totally weird . Hehehe :P'

Random pictures (:

My dearest cousin (:
Cuties !
Uhh , why is this pic here? THE CAP!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Photo spam !

Gonna Upload pics again ^^ All this pictures Belong to Ayu ! Enjoooy !

♥ My Lovely Family ♥ Credits to Ayu !
Sister(Sarah) and Daughter ^^
MsTeo saw the cam , i think .
1-Aspiration = WRECK! hahaha !
AshyBoy and GayBoy Amir :D

Epicness .

This week the best week ever since ... like FOREVER . I had soo much fun ... Thanks to the jokers around me thats for sure ... Class was a total wreck ... But hey , thats what makes it 1-Aspiration right ? hehehe :P Been With Ayu,ZhenMin and some other peeeeeoooppllleeee , this week . Sorta . Been CamWhoring all thanks to Ayu . Been playing Bball with Rakee too .... Heard she plans to go SpringFeild Next year ... Okay gurl ! I mean Boy ! I mean ... Ughghh , whatever -.- Then .... .... .... Well ...... thats all !! Gonna post pictures ^^ PLEASE DONT KILL ME !!

Ayu , And ME !

Ayu and ZhenMin.
*Ahem* PG-13 . Lol.
Me and my retardedness . With Ayu of course .
More me .
Luna Bom , Ehh ... i mean , Ms.Quek ? Idk .
Gayboy .
Look at His expression ~I HAVE TO GET THIS TRICK RIGHT~No more school T_T . Dont plan to go secondary 2 here in SG ... Well , i'll think about it ...

OKAY ! Thats all (: lazy to post ... Gonna post at my Private blog ! Annyong (:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Birthday me! lol.

Thanks to all who greeted me for my birthday ! ThankYou sososososo muchh!

210ct : Early in the morning , ______ got me effing pissed off . Then cried when i reached in class , Luckly Classmates cheer me up :) Thanks guys :) Whole time keep on hearing birthday song ... hehehe , so sweet ^^ Then After schoool , YanLi and Celine bring me go canteen while ZhenMin,LiQin and Ayu go toilet ? Hahaha , yeah . Reached canteed they already there , so fast . Then went out . Otw to Caltex they Spit water ... JiaLe damn cool can , she spit spit spit . HAHAHA! After that go chase peopel to pour water on , in the end pour until ZhenMin :D I kind of splashed everyone , except yanli :D HAHAH! Then went for training . BlahBlahBlah .
Thanks to all the birthday wishes and greetings ! Especially LiQin :D

Today : Nothing to do , plan to go to the beach with My mum and dad , if Dixie is available then her too ... BOred like crazy now . Watching IMR . So ... Bye (: Oh and thanks for all the tags ^^

~My birthday wishes .
1) To go ________ (:
2) Amber to come back to F(x)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The beach beach beach !

Going to the beach Later , if the rain subsides ! If it doesnt then going another day (: Anyone wanna come ? hehehe ! Anyone of anyone is welcomed to come ! We were supposedly going to Changi Beach ... so we're just going to PasirRis Beach ^^
We'll nothing to post ! So byebye !

Tada My Desktop background ! [random]

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hi , nothing to post . No mood , just turned off the water works a few minutes ago . Thanks for cheering me up Rakee and ZhenMin :)

*If you hate me just say . If you want me to stay away from you , just say . Dont hurt me like this.*

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So good!

School was okay . Nothing much . Hoping to finish exams asap ... Friends are already celebrating ... PSLE over... hope Rakee come's to my school ... Cousin Dixie too! And ... Well , next week is my birthday ... i bet my life , NO ONE will remember it except my dearest Mini-family ♥ At least i still have them! Anyway .... thats all for now ;) Bye !


Monday, October 11, 2010


Nothing much , Mother tongue paper, dint write any sensible things, so i dont expect much from it ... Tomorrows science ... I hope i pass ... Today im super Hyper... During recess ... "Bullied" aloysious ... then i ended up laughing my ass off like no ones business .... Then "played" with Ayu ... keep screaming ... then we ran around the classroom ... Super tired ... teacher came in class late so we started exam late too .... Was sweating ... cause of running too much (?) Yahh ... then straight away went home ... met Faye ... now at home ... doing stuff ... and Bored ... Faye is studying while im not . HAHAHA! So ... better go study with her then ... Bye :)

"Your so biased -.- I might not have been going there for awhile doesnt mean you know me less ... you should know me better than that! and yet you chose her ? So what your dating her brother ? you two arent married yet ! STOP TREATING US DIFFERENTLY FROM HER . WE ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT . Im speaking on behalf of the kids that your mistreating , including me . "

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tired T_T

Hey all ... Super tired now T_T Anyway heres what happened today :

Waited for JiaLe in the Bustop with Celine ... then On the way to school JiaLe asked me whether i could go with her to the Chalet with Jolyn.... i say cannot ... then Reach school , faster borrowed Geography text book ... studied ... then Sarah tested me and taught me all the things i dint know :) Thankyou so much! The questions that Sarah thought me came out in the paper! I love her soo much! thank you thank you! Then did paper ... super scared sia ! i dont know why! then after that ... Already finish school ... and it was only 10 something! early sia! then Jolyn came to the class room ... In the end my mom allow me go to the Chalet thing ...

Went with JiaLe , Jolyn , YanLi and Gillian. Went to the round market first ... then go TM eat ...stay there until 12+ then go to the chalet ... Jolyn forgot the place O_O Funny sia! then after that stayed inside ... played UNO ... then went to Ehub on the way played Cathing ... i cather -.- tiring sia! but fun :D then reached Ehub ... bought Bouble tea ... then went back ... then soon i left :) Now im here! And im leaving soon! going out :) Anyway exam in monday is Chinese so i dont care . HAHAHA! Bye :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Voiceless .

Hello all ! Currently tweeting , reading FanFics and NOT studying ! This morning exam for maths was super easy ! happyhappy! Literature was a killer , trust me . Was sleeping after my maths paper ... then the stupid teacher ask us not to sleep -___- After litrature also i slept .... Then after school so called "Played" awhile ... then went to caltex with YanLi and SugarBaby ... Then saw JingYi and Gillian there ... used all my money T_T Then played truth or dare ... i bet i was the one who always get the bottle pointed at -.- Then Gillian keep asking questions , usually the same few people ... -.- Bused home ... then after eating ... Faye came with a group of our friends -.- Excuse me , i got exam ? still want come my house... uggh ... then must handle them ... then after awhile they all started studying O_O So now ... im using com , while they still studying :P LOLOL! I dont want to fail geography :'( im scared ! Anyway , GoodLuck for geography tomorrow ! (except for Manish,Deravic and Darryl . LOL)

Now no voice O_O keep on screaming till no voice ... i should shutup next time . LOL .

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 months ! Yay !! So happy !

Hello~Hello~ Whatsup guys ^^ Did not do well for english . I think . Confirm . Ugghh ... i cant concentrate in studying ... I dont know why . something is bothering me , but i dont know what it is ... Gonna study for Maths and English now! Byebye :)

2 months already !! Im so retarded . LOL . Amber , Its Our Day . Kekeke~

*F(x) better not release any album unless Amber is back . *
*Its not "F(x)" without Amber . Theyre just another group mistreated by SMentertainment .*

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cute kids :D

Hello Hello ! Just reached home ... Super Moodless ... Since morning no mood ... then ... during recess , i was sleeping ... Mother tongue too . Then During Science i suddenly became alive ... Yes! All thanks to Ayu . She made me laugh like some crazy fella .Ever since that moment i was nuts . After Science had 3periods with MsQuek . Was sitting beside ZhenMin and JiaLe , keep on playing RedHands with JiaLe , hehehs . Then played a trick on Ayu . Damn effing Funny !! After school went to Caltex . Ate , then left . Reached my bustop , saw old friends . Hung around with them for awhile , then went up to my house , and now im here . Bored , Mad , Moodless and Pissed-Off .

Sunday : Woke up at 8am , Went to Tito Edgar's house ...Ate breakfast . Around 10 am , reached Church ... Reached church ... Instantly played at the swing ... then ... At 2pm , Went to orchard ... then played at a billiard place with my dad and friends .stayed there until 6+pm . Headed to Universal Studios ... then went around Sentosa . And blablahblah . Gonna post stupid pictures and stuff .

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Please bring her back T_T

I havent been "STUDYING" lately ... Im not slacking either . But im just not learning . I seriously need someone to motivate and accompany me to study ... All my friends studying for PSLE ... they dont even know how to teach me for Geography -_- Bummer . ANYONE PLEASE ! MOTIVATE AND ACCOMPANY ME STUDY ! all help is welcomed :D Hahaha!

Ps : If anyone messaged me ... Sorry for not replying due to not having prepaid , for nearly a month now . Someone should seriously get me prepaid . Hhaha :)

"My early Birthday wish : 1) Real Friendship , 2) Decide to stay or go, 3) Amber.

"Bring Amber Back please T_T "

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bitch .

Hello ! Currently Waiting for my cousin so that i can go out and play basketball :D

In school:Nothing much interesting happened as usual , My arm Was "Broken" ... So i had to take careful precautions ... Then Gillian started to think i was playing with her , then she want to touch my hand -.- Walao , i run around the class like no one's business ... Cb , she chase me then i have to ditch her , i hit until my hand . Walao , Funny is it ?! Please lah , i already cannot even bend my arm still down there want to poke it -.- Thanks to the people who tried to comfort me , i wasnt crying or anything , i was super mad . Alot of people ask me what happened to my arm i ALWAYS reply them " I bite my arm " Funny , they're reaction damn funny! some even cute ! LOL .

Nothing more , im going to play basketball with a broken arm , i might come back to school with a cast on my arm ! HAHAHA xD my arm might even be worst ! cause i play very rough :D IDK !! WAHAHAS ! Now waiting for SHINee's comeback in MuBank ... Love their remake :)

Bye :D Please tag me My tag board is Dead :O

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Need to BuckUp ! StudyStudyStudy !

Hiie ! Nothing much to post again , im getting lazy to blog nowadays . School today almost all the periods got test -_- But it was okay for me :) Reached school this morning started to "Study" (?) Then recess too ! People keep saying i so "Guai"-_- it wasnt funny . I just wanted to study! Hahaha:D Class super noisy ... crap . But still managed to absorb ... Geography test today was a total Fail ... I never come on that day , so i dint really know what to write down -___- Crap!!! Then got back Test paper the other test . I got beaten again .-. I was super upset ! Well , i so angry i took home geography book , and im now studying maths and Geog ... Hehehs . Well , thats all ! have to revise !

I actually dont know how to study :X Im just doing my worksheets , i need someone to help me "Study" oops i mean Teach me how to "Study" . Any sort of help will be appreciated ! :P

Currently : tweeting , Posting (duhh) ,on the phone with Ms.Nag alot (aka Faye) and ... Getting scolded .___. By Faye too O_________O

Okay byye ! Posted on my private blog already :) Off to continue studying ! Byes:P

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

nothing really .

Hello ! Nothing much to post ...P.E Damn fun ! Play until hand super pain ! Azlina say i PRO :D LOL , Im not braggin! hHHAHAHA! Besides that After school need stay back ... I effing Fed up until i want shout at teacher , but i dint have to , Ayu and Cyrus did all the work for me ... Cyrus said somethings then suddenly MissTeo *BOOM* Exploded . She shout shout shout then she cry ... Then she stomp out the room .Suddenly The whole class "Ohhh~!" then i shout at cyrus " No respect for the teacher ..." Then ZhenMin started to shout shout something to Cyrus ... Then .. everyone started leaving ...i left too since there was nothing more i could do ... Went to caltex with Ayu, JiaLe , YanLi , LiQin and Celine were at caltex too ... sat around ... After awhile , Ayu went off ... Naqiyah and Co. came ... Naqiyah blanja me :'D Thankyou :D Then played around and stuff ... Went home at about 4:30 ? Late man! HAHAHA! Well , nothing more to post... Oh yeah i saw MR.NICHOLAS TAN outside 7-11 Yesterday , he stand up act cool sia ... then when he see me , he faster stand straight , Funny sia!!! OHH YEAHH !

F(x) was in Live Power Music Idk what episode , But i saw AMBER. SHE WAS SMOKING HOT! been spazzing about it from last night until Now! thats why in school i look so "EMO" . I dont even care if i look or i am EMO . hahah!! LOL ..

Currently chatting with SugarBaby , Tweeting and Feeling FUNNY! :D I'll try to keep myself happy Even though im sad ! BE POSITIVE ! I want to say Hwaiting , but it'll make it seem like im crazy over K-Pop , so id rather not! HAHAHA!

Posting on my private blog :D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

happy Anniversary :D

Hello world ! Nothing interesting to post , except the fact that i brought a heavy bagpack for nothing -.- Well , thats pretty much everything i wanna say ! Oh yeah and ...

FAYE ! wife of KimJongHyun, Girlfriend of TAN JIANWEN!

You and JianWen must stay longer :) You guys have never gotten a real relationship fight ! Good Jod ;) JianWen , take care of MY Faye ,and Faye , Treasure JianWen . Got it you two ?

Faye+JianWen = LOVE !

Monday, September 27, 2010

Finally , My Faye Cleared EVERYTHING on her blog . Hahaha ! Cool man ! Check it out ! its totally plain :D !

Nothing .

Wassuupppiiee ? Nothing much happened in school . Quite boring too . Hahaha xD Well , that all for now:D I'll post in my private blog Later :)

Thanks Mika for all the advice you gave me :) But after today , i cant tell you i love em' anymore :D hahaha!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bored !

Hello ! Nothing much to post about school except ... i keep on ________ _______ . So sad ! its like ____ just went past me ! waah , sad manxzc !! nevermind if you dont want already , i guess i have to face it then :D But i cannot force her too anyway! Hahaha!! All the lessons was Playing "RedHands" with JiaLe :D And nothing more .
After school :
Went to caltex then went to TM with Ayu . Ate . Went Around . Went home .
Now , Faye and JianWen here ... Breathing my air , Eating my food , Drinking my coke and Sitting my Chair . LOL . Aights ! Too lazy post , so , BYE !

*I LOVE YOU ________ ! Hahaha . Just as a friend of course ! We're both Girls ! Hahaha xD*

*Wah , dont give me that attitude , someday , you will regret *

*Why are you avoiding me . I thoughts we're friends ? Or is it a Hallucination ? Hhaha , i hope we could make more
interactions sometime! :D*

Look at me all grown up !
So many things changed eh ? Hahaha :D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Still crying , trying to change the subject.

My God-Sis making Cute faces !! i like the second picture HAHAHA ! Priceless ... Now still camwhoring !

Cb , fuck off la .

Hey world . Just came home :) Had super fun like mad !
Early morning , Nothing interesting happened , i was partially thinking deeply , partially hating my life (LOL) . Recess , lent PSP to ZhenMin , while i accompanyied Ayu for recess ... She blanja me :) Thankyoouu :) Mother tongue was writing Letters and a personal letter ... then other lessons are a vast of boringness to me .

-After school-
went to the dentist with JiaLe and Jolyn to accompany YanLi .... waited there for about half an hour , throughout the time we keep laughing ... Super fun ... Then went Caltex ... ate ... then we went back to school ... told my Taekwondo teacher that i couldnt attend ... so after that went off still with JiaLe, YanLi and Jolyn ... Went out of school was raining O_O We still play in the rain :D :D :D We walked three bus-stops away from school haahaha! Under the rain somemore . Wooaaah like hell ! And then went off to the bus ... DAMN COLD . Now im at home , dad at home too .. Thats all then ...
Currently : Crying ( for some reason) , Smacking the wall (now my hand red , damn cool.) Throwin' stuff all over the place . (I know im very violent at the moment , please forgive me .)


*Oi CB , You dont anyhow say my mother die hor , you better watch out , one of these days your going to get it . You think what , you fat i scared you ah ? COME LA . Knn , keep the stupid comments to yourself , i know your mother die already no need say mine die too . Better still you go die . We all dont need you , stay for what ?! Tsk! Just EFF OFF fat ass . *

SHOULD I JUST GO OR WHAT ? School this days arent worth the stay ... :'( oh please , someone please help me decide ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hai . I know i never post here for awhile now. And today , im feeling ... Awkward . Hehehe :|
Luckly i had the BEST NIGHT ever ! WAHAHAHA!

Yesterday : Dint go school :) I wait outside the main gate , everyone keep saying " wooah! ponteng ah? Baek!" I down there only "haha" Met JiaLe,LiQin and Celine , went Caltex ... I was feeling so funny then ... Stuff . Taekwondo training quite fun ! I miss training T_T Wooaht? yeah! Only one part i effing hate .... Iman and I had to "hug" ... Waah , annoying ... Mus they all started laughing , the harder i kicked Iman :O HAHAHA! After training waited for JiaLe , LiQin , Celine they all ... Ended up sitting near they're training area ... Damn O: Well , Let my PSP around ... ZhenMin beat my record , AGAIN . Go home try playing ... after 3 tries i got lazy :D then ... went off to cousins house for a celebration ... DAMN EFFING FUN TTFM ! After screaming-Laughing like some weird person ... (on the phone somemore , sorry LiQin :X) Went down to the playground ... Lucky at night already so , no one was occupying the playground :) Went there Had a very "INTERESTING" chat on "GENDER" , And other "PERSONAL" stuff . HAHAHA xD anyway , i should thank Mika for helping me with my issues :D way to go miss. counselor ! LOLOLOL . Then at 1:30am left . WAKAKAKAKA!

Today : During P.E Damn hyper like some idiot , told Ayu it was because i was wearing Shorts instead of Skirt O_O LOL! Next period , talked to Darryl , Ask him where the _______ was . He gave it to me :D YAYAYAYAYAY! Show JiaLe , She see that time she EXPLODE (Ka-BOOM*) Mother Tongue Lesson , JiaLe and YanLi settle something , i down there like nothing happening still so happy :D (in other words "gay" :D ) Nothing more to post ... Yay :D

~Thanks "Mika" for the Advice , but , its hard to put your idea to action , remember ... "GENDER" ? Hehehe !~

Posting on my Private blog . Later .

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Funny day :?

I'll Post it On my Private blog >>> Http://

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why ...

Can i Explain Myself ?! Everyone got mad But i never got the chance to explain .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Random post :D

A friend and me Playing with rice , We ended up doing this pictures shown below :D Cute Huh ? ^-^

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Amber! Happy birthday :) You mine forever!

Saengil chukha hamnida! AMBER ♥

Seng il chook ha hamni da~~
Seng il chook ha hamni da~!
Sa rang ha nuen 엠버 ....
Seng il chook ha hamni da!!

사랑하는 엠버 ....

[AMBER! your 18 already ! Woah , Debut age . So mature . You get to do alot of things when your 18! The sign of being a young adult :D Happy Birthday! Have a great one , F(x) would always be there for you , no matter what . Your Fans too! *raises hands* Hehehe! Your a year wiser and a year smarter :) learn from your mistakes move on :D Hope you comeback soon T_T F(x) needs you , Embers needs you! Anyway , once again , HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY AmBaby :D ]

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ughh , sadness overload .

Nothing much to post , Today was so far the best day in school for the week ... Wont be attending school due to some reasons , Relating to the whole "moving to the Philippines" thing ... Dad told me i have until next week wednesday to confirm with him if i really want to go back . Now playing DJ max like some idiot ... ZhenMin beat my highscore O_O now playing like some idiot to beat her score . Anyway , I wonder what i going to do on Monday ....... Should i go or not? uhhh..... Lets just see :/

I wanna make a private blog . Gonna Add certain Emails only :D

*Silence was kind-of broken today wasnt it ? I dint do anything , you did the first move , Again . Your so brave , im so envious O_O *

*Faye , Dont cry . I also want to go , but , its because of my school life here . I know you would understand right? :/*

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ughh ...


Hi . This few days in school , Really ... ... ... I just cant stand it. So , i told my mum , i would rather go back to the Philippines than to keep studying here . So , in the end of the year , i would be going back . FOR GOOD .

Anyway . Now having fever , Im thinking wayy TOO MUCH ,i cant stand it anymore .
My brain MIGHT explode anytime soon .

Nothing more to post . I bother anyway -_-

Is it fair for me to just leave without saying ? Or should i let my friends decide whether i should go or not ... i could tell my mom not to go ... But , as far as i can see , the way people treat me , i Want to go >_<

A true friend sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what.
To lose a friend is hardship, but to forget them is as if you died too.
True friendship is seen through the heart not through the eyes.

"Silence , silence , silence .
I hate it , No wait ,
i dont JUST hate it , i Despise it .
Everyday , _______________
It's Bloody annoying , but i endure ,
cause sooner or later im out of ALL the troubles i have here .
Thank God . "

Monday, September 13, 2010

No mood post now . BTW , Hello Dix . NICE BLOG , If you want me to kill you . LOLOLOL . My WifeBand Cute at your Background men ! WAHAHAHA . GOODBYE.

Friday, September 10, 2010

On saturday got practice again ... need to brush up on our SNSD dance of "Oh!" -_- Never mind at least all the other items are Ohkay :D So , its been set that (ate)Anne,(ate)Elysha,Eliyah,Shine,JJ,Rakee,Dixie and Me are performing Nu ABO , Oh! , Gee , LaChaTa , SorrySorry and RingDingDong . Performing for St.Michael's Church Carnival on Sunday ♥ Well , thats all for now ! Hope to go out tomorrow! Anyone wanna go out with me ?! KEKEKE~

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1 month and 3 days already ?! WOW

I'll post what happened yesterday Later at night . For now ... nothing much to say :)

I couldnt post on monday so i post today :D
It's been a month and so since i met you . Super Happy :D Though people might think im weird making this up for you ... I dont care ! LOL . I will forever remember that day :) I love you ! Wahaha . Amber is mine ^^ O_O


Monday, September 6, 2010

Okay . fine :)

Hiie ! Its 1+ in the morning , Playing Truth or DoubleTruth with LiQin and Celine . Effing bored now . Talking to two retarded boys ! Theyre entertaining . But still cannot sleep , cause i keep on thinking :) Haiis. What is up with my life yeah ? Haha , i guess i wasnt meant to be with a certain someone :) And i guess , after the past few months , i realized , that person isnt worth it :) Yeah , i guess i dont really know that certain someone ... but dont you think i would know you more if we actually spent time together ? but we never did . I always had shy moments with you . But then , after i realized something , i figured , i never really saw the true you . Haha , the true you isnt bad . Its just that , it wasnt the friend i knew . So , if you think of it that way , then ... Go on . Be mad . I wont stop you cause i cant anyway . If our friendship was real , then we can overcome this :") Alright hate me :D i guess thats how you want to handle it :) Go ahead :) HAVE FUN WITHOUT ME :D i think i will with or without You ;)

Okay . fine :)

Hiie ! Its 1+ in the morning , Playing Truth or DoubleTruth with LiQin and Celine . Effing bored now . Talking to two retarded boys ! Theyre entertaining . But still cannot sleep , cause i keep on thinking :) Haiis. What is up with my life yeah ? Haha , i guess i wasnt meant to be with a certain someone :) And i guess , after the past few months , i realized , that person isnt worth it :) Yeah , i guess i dont really know that certain someone ... but dont you think i would know you more if we actually spent time together ? but we never did . I always had shy moments with you . But then , after i realized something , i figured , i never really saw the true you . Haha , the true you isnt bad . Its just that , it wasnt the friend i knew . So , if you think of it that way , then ... Go on . Be mad . I wont stop you cause i cant anyway . If our friendship was real , then we can overcome this :") Alright hate me :D i guess thats how you want to handle it :) Go ahead :) HAVE FUN WITHOUT ME :D i think i will with or without You ;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

SHINee .

Try not to faint like i did . haha. JongHyun And Onew so HOT , OMO .

Heres something SHINee did recently :D Comedy :) JongHyun's entrance was ... OMG ! Minho's smile was so cute ! keke~


Videos .

Hi . Nothing to post . Went to church yeterday . Wasnt listening during Mass ... Kept playing a fool . Laugh so hard ... like no ones business . After Mass , Choir had to practice , so Rachael , Michaela and Me go around the church , went to our Hideouts ... Since we owned the church we did everything we wanted to do :D Went to our Very first hideout ... its been our hideout for 9years :) cleaned up the place ... Took a video of it ! keke . will post the video!

~What did he say ? I really dont recall . Just tell me Pwease~ What did he tell you ? seriously? ~

Amber was in SMTC but she din't perform :( Embers around the world are trending Amber right now :) GoodJob ! AffXtions FTW ! Amber FTW :) I want to post the video i took yesterday , random videos and all the WaveBoard Videos :D :D :D
My friends and I in the bAck of the Church .
Me Playing with MatchSticks in the Philippines :D

WaveBoarding :)

WaveBoarding :D



WaveBoarding Last one . Hehehe .

Please Taq :D Blog is Dying .

Amber :/

Feel super sad now :( Currently chatting with LiQin , even though its 12 in the morning ...
We are currently Playing T or DT . Feel sad sad sad sad ... Haish . Anyways , lazy to post anything BESIDES that soon it will be SM TOWN's concert *screams* Anyway , Night :)

~ Uhh , Why do i like you so much , i now deny liking Kpop , all your fault , yet i LOVE you T_T i use to think believing was STUPID , now i think im stupid in believing ... Hais . ~

If i could make my birthday wish right now ... It would be ... To be with Amber :) At least just for awhile ... hais ... Amber , you making me so depressed . Why must you be so .... uhhh!!!