Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CCA : taekwondo was fun ~! after our demonstration practice was over , me and Afiq started to practice our cartwheels ... that lil douche got me to hurt my elbow alot :(

CCA: Taekwondo , practiced basic movement ! then after training slacked around first , Afiq and I cartwheeled for awhile , then i went to play soccer with Jere,ShaoKang,ChongXiang,LukeMan,Ghufran and Rusdi ~ Uber fun . Then went home with Theresa and HuiShan ~~

Went to dixie's house, played Xbox kinect ! looked like total morons HAHAHA! ♥

Today :

School as per normal , been very tired this few days . havent got enough sleep compared to the energy ive been exerting . Did my work today , painted in class Lol . Recess , nothing much honestly .The rest of the subjects are pretty much a blur LOL
Well ... thats about it ... no CCA today , thankgod . Shall go off to sleep early today ~ Byee :D

The way you say my name ♥
The way you look up to face me ♥
The way you could make me melt♥
The way you assure im fine♥
The way you smile .♥
Everything about you ♥♥♥

Thursday, July 14, 2011

World war 4 = july14

Hi , Today is honestly such a fucked up day .

Contact time : Super no mood , even Naqiyah noticed .

Maths : Super crazy at first . Ms Teo keep asking us to change back etc , everyone still rebelled and stuff . Studied :) but still played around a lil .

LA : no teacher , was playing around endlessly .

Recess : Ate ma pasta ! yummeehh ;)
Aloysius threw tantrum in class , and well he just started throwing chairs . apparently hitting a couple of people . Gillian got mad too , kicking the table endlessly at him . Syauqi's temper was just .... well above average XD then all left for mt classes.

MT : uhm , chaos . simply chaos . First, i got scolded for going down without a pass . then ,Aloy was still emo-ing on the floor ~ then aparently i cried for a lil while at the corner while writing the farewell letters for my beloveds . Then all of a sudden i heard ChunHong making a ruckus . Teacher then answering back blahblahblah . I heard he threw a book at the teacher or something . Then blahblahblah , JingYi almost had a seizure or something . No one was doing anything , stood up brought her down ... then BLAHBLAHBLAH .

History : Studied ~

CME : went down to check on JingYi , brought her up after a quick visit to the bookshop. Got scolded for not having the permission to go out afterwards .

IPW : nothing much scolded for going out without permission again . Continued with work .

Screw you all . i know you guys dont give a fuck , why bother .
If you guys are friends , act like a friend . If i look like i need a hug , gimme a hug ;) HAHAHAA

Okay byee ><

-July 14 is declared as world war 4 by Darryl-

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hyunaaaaa BubblePop ;3

Heyo :D

MT : dint do much , Played truth or dare ... and well i was pretty absent minded .

Maths? : Huh , i dont remember doing anything , HAHAHAHA

Recess : Stayed in class with ByunChua , Gillian and Zhenmin . Played with Gillian's cococrunch and kept throwing it HEHEHEHE , fun siol . Then ... uhm oh yeasssss , BUUBLLLEE POPPP playing in our heads .

LA : TANCHAICHENG's class ;)) Revathy the bestfriend 52year old taxi driver , HAHAHAHA . Okay epic . Keep playing with Gillian's iphone and she keeps on saying "Tan chai cheng" using that stupid app voice thingy XD

Science: Copying notes down ... Half way become sleepy ... then slept towards the end of the lesson ...

LA1 : dint even notice the teacher come in class .... Wasnt listening much . No , i wasnt listening at all .

CME or Assembly : Went to the toilet with Gillian , stayed there for awhile . Then back to class ... then blahblahblah~ school end :D

Yay. The only thing in my mind the WHOLE DAY is HYUNA and BubblePop!!!

Hyuna why is your cleavage so noticeable in bubblepop MV , can help but stare .And your buttshakkkeee !!! Wait , i sound so byun . dafuck .

Okayy byeee :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Me and my randomness

Whaddup bishes~! Hohohohoo~ Okay since i havent been posting , time for me to start doing my usual routine of posttttt .

Saturday : Woke up early , went to the cathay cineplex watched GreenLantern !!! It was awesome no joke . loved it . Anyway , after that went around plaza singapura .... bought new shirts for mum's birthday celebration .... then went to NEX and bought my new bag ..... And off to dad's office slacking around wasted time and stuff. Then went home , mum had her hair rebonded here ... then well , thats about it ... slept at 1? 2?

Sunday: woke up at 3+ Then ate , used comp, went to church , then went to Rakee's house ~~ Rakee,Mika,Dixie and Jashmyn(?) is there.... free bbt too ! Hohohoho , off to Ehub, booked tickets then walked around to waste time . Saw Celine at the arcade , and stuff. Ate fries at mac , then back to the cinema , Monte Carlo is AWESOME IS SWEAR , SELENA GOMEZ IS SHBFKSHDFJNSKJFSNDLKFN QT . Slept over at dixie's place , we did so much things, like cooking in the middle of the night without our godparents knowing ... then laughed so much during our filming of our mini movies! So funny xD Slept at 6-7 am ~

Monday: Dint do anything . Went home at around ... 7? yeah , then well sleep.

Morning : went to canteen , bought drinks , waited for time to pass ,then went up class.

PE: Had so much fun in PE idk why ...HHOHOHOHO

Science: Dint do much .

Recess: Mdm zulaiha release us later for recess so , ate longer .

DnT: Did my project thingy-ma-jug . Lol

LA: Constantly eating Gillian and LiQin's FnN food , Sedap im telling you! xD

Music: Played truth or dare in the music room

Maths : Slept for 1hr. Ms Teo keep waking me up but idc! HOHOHOOHO

No CCA today , moved up to tomorrow , thursday also dont have ~ Yay~ Okay bye xD


I have never acted this was before.I used to be that small kid who smiled and laughed the most , That kid who’s thoughts are of not her age.That kid whom’s mind use to consist of play,fun and play. That kid who’s only wall to lean on is her dearest VernonTanJingXue.That kid who’s surrounded by guys she calls friends, That kid who used to think girls are pathetic little creatures.
But now … I dont even consider myself as human. I feel so different . the way i act , the way i think, the way i walk , the way i talk and frankly the way i am….