Thursday, July 14, 2011

World war 4 = july14

Hi , Today is honestly such a fucked up day .

Contact time : Super no mood , even Naqiyah noticed .

Maths : Super crazy at first . Ms Teo keep asking us to change back etc , everyone still rebelled and stuff . Studied :) but still played around a lil .

LA : no teacher , was playing around endlessly .

Recess : Ate ma pasta ! yummeehh ;)
Aloysius threw tantrum in class , and well he just started throwing chairs . apparently hitting a couple of people . Gillian got mad too , kicking the table endlessly at him . Syauqi's temper was just .... well above average XD then all left for mt classes.

MT : uhm , chaos . simply chaos . First, i got scolded for going down without a pass . then ,Aloy was still emo-ing on the floor ~ then aparently i cried for a lil while at the corner while writing the farewell letters for my beloveds . Then all of a sudden i heard ChunHong making a ruckus . Teacher then answering back blahblahblah . I heard he threw a book at the teacher or something . Then blahblahblah , JingYi almost had a seizure or something . No one was doing anything , stood up brought her down ... then BLAHBLAHBLAH .

History : Studied ~

CME : went down to check on JingYi , brought her up after a quick visit to the bookshop. Got scolded for not having the permission to go out afterwards .

IPW : nothing much scolded for going out without permission again . Continued with work .

Screw you all . i know you guys dont give a fuck , why bother .
If you guys are friends , act like a friend . If i look like i need a hug , gimme a hug ;) HAHAHAA

Okay byee ><

-July 14 is declared as world war 4 by Darryl-

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