Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CCA : taekwondo was fun ~! after our demonstration practice was over , me and Afiq started to practice our cartwheels ... that lil douche got me to hurt my elbow alot :(

CCA: Taekwondo , practiced basic movement ! then after training slacked around first , Afiq and I cartwheeled for awhile , then i went to play soccer with Jere,ShaoKang,ChongXiang,LukeMan,Ghufran and Rusdi ~ Uber fun . Then went home with Theresa and HuiShan ~~

Went to dixie's house, played Xbox kinect ! looked like total morons HAHAHA! ♥

Today :

School as per normal , been very tired this few days . havent got enough sleep compared to the energy ive been exerting . Did my work today , painted in class Lol . Recess , nothing much honestly .The rest of the subjects are pretty much a blur LOL
Well ... thats about it ... no CCA today , thankgod . Shall go off to sleep early today ~ Byee :D

The way you say my name ♥
The way you look up to face me ♥
The way you could make me melt♥
The way you assure im fine♥
The way you smile .♥
Everything about you ♥♥♥

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