Tuesday, August 2, 2011


28July[Thursday] :
School-ed .Dint go to CCA ... parents was at home ... ate lunch then rest awhile ... after that left to Dixie's house ~ Ate Anne,Rakee,Mika and Iyah[-
_-] was there too. Played , then i did some errands without dixie and jonjon first . Then when we came back played around . I confronted Iyah , i told her some personal stuff , i swear if she tells me that she likes me again , id slap her so hard , her mum wont even recognize her -_- anyway after that incident everything was all
different between her and my bestie ... After everyone left , had a heart to heart talk with AteAnne [Thanks ate , i lub you! ] Then got ready for our midnight show of captain america~ Slept during the movie ;P I slept on Ate Anne's shoulder HAHAHA . Then it was about 3am , walked to Mac ate there then taxi home Lol , we were lazy . Then got home , hanged around the Music room with all the tambays ~ Then after that , slept !

29 July[Friday] :

Woke up and started to wash up ... Went to koufu with the whole cabrega family <3 Ate steamboat ... our last meal together :( Then went home , played around for awhile ... then after that got ready to go to the airport . Met Sophia,Syamisa and Rakee. Off-ed to Airport . Reached there Dixie's whole class there .. otl then mingled for like 1-2hr ? yeah , then it was time for them to go .... she was to surrounded by her classmates that i could'nt hug her or something ... so the moment Jonjon Hugged me , somehow i dint feel that i was already crying . Then Ate dess
hugged and gave me a kiss... then Ninang hugged me really tight .... :(! Then they headed off the gates ............ last family photo ... then Dixie came running to me to give me a hug .... that was the moment EVERYONE was crying ... but Me and Rakee were crying our hearts out ... my mum hugged me tight as they left ... the whole family crying as they went in too .... I cried so hard that more than half the adults had to console me ........ Evev my dad hugged me .... i cried for a good 45mins .... then cried again ... then again ... and again ... i miss them so much :(



Ate anne there with me and Dixie :)

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