Friday, February 18, 2011

One of a kind .

Hi peeps . My mum's asking that question again , its like she's pressuring me . But honestly , i made up my mind . Hehehe . Anyway .... School is alright , besides the point that i sleep during some lessons , im pretty stable . HAHAHAHA . LOL .

Well , tomorrow , going to throw up on someone . Hauuhhh .... hauh hauh ... I dont want to see her -____- Id rather jump off the building . Seriously . Anyw , gonna act like she's not around , since
Population : 10
My side of the population : 10 -1 = 9 .
Her side of the population : 10-9 = 1 .


Mika and me :

Mike : i love chocolates.
Me: Dude , your random . And thats just epic.
Mika: Yeah , ikr ? Your Epic .
Me: Yup , i was talking about me the whole time ;P

Your one of a kind to me . Your unique , and i love you just the way you are .

I always have That feeling when you miss someone so much that your heart feels like its sinking .

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