Friday, July 2, 2010


Heyy :D today feel happy! good good! okay so here's what happened , woke up , bathed ,bus-ed to school ... GurlFwen message me last night if want to meet at Bus-Stop... but prepaid! walked to school alone :( haha then saw GurlFwen , Cyrus and Darryl then in front of them ZhenMin and friends. hahas , so i faster walk to GurlFwen :) settled down at parade square...then keep playing with Sarah :)) walked up to class ... then got the SPCA thing thing... i support the Animals :D then Recess ... Elysha waiting for me and GurlFwen... then headed to canteen with SugarBaby and YanLi too! oh and...uh that girl...uhh her name is what uh...oh yeah! JingYi :D hahaha! Ate then then then...When i returning my plate suddenly ZhenMin talk to me. Walao i almost drop my plate sia! (please don't surprise me again! :D) haha. Then return ... then SugarBaby and YanLi talking to ZhenMin in front the drinks stall but then Elysha and GurlFwen far far away -.-"(come closer can?) then never mind i go to SugarBaby there.Then Elysha call me. i call her come. then dunno what chaos lah. then go up class , stand outside the class room.Then alot of people suddenly outside the class room too. then bell ring lerr.Want go in suddenly cher there. then do the youth thingy thingy. then go Tan-gram and Algebra thing. The whole time playing with YanLi , ZhenMin and Naqiyah! :D hahas! played thumb-wrestling. waah sia my hand pain play with all of them. :D then go home with Elysha , SugarBaby and GurlFwen. Thats all folks buhbye :D

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