Friday, July 9, 2010

I want i want! to be like before. :)

heyy! sorry long time no post yeah? ehehe! This week has been a great week ahahahas! okay i'll start from wed.

Wednesday: School as were per usual ... but i dig the most was during Mother Tounge. the best mother tounge ever! hahas. i kena punish with all the chinese girls and Aloysious -.-" was sent out... we all go outside like we partying like that sia!! hahas ! then we like not scared liddat! we even played truth or Dare. Lucky never kena until me sial! hehehes! :Dahahaha!then after school bring JiaLe come my house again, she so used to my house man! hahahs xD then we Locked out of ny room ! then never mind. we just do our stupid punishment thingythingy. keke!

Thursday: Nothing much to do also... Best lesson was GEOGRAPHY!!! Woots! the teacher damn damn damn funny TTVM! hahahas. durimg mother tounge i realised something ... about someone ... then got bored so wrote "FREE HUGS" on a piece of paper. hahas. Then,after school i go open the paper. ahahas. only got one hug :( hahas. then go caltex then go home.

Friday: Nothing interesting ... But quiet affected cause Some guy told me someone wants to be like before ... then i just try to not think about it. Geography was the best again!! hahas but i kena scolded. cause i anyhow guess. sorry luh sial!! hahas. then go tam with gurlfwen , Cyrus and Ashiboy. then go home. Now messaging Gurlfwen and Bryan :) byebye! :D

**He told me you want to be like last time. I'm not sure weather it's true or not. I can only believe it when i hear it from you , yourself. If you want to be like before which is to be bestfriends , i say why not? haha. You know it's what i have been longing for. If that day actually comes...i would be damn damn damn damn Happy TTVM! Hhahas. :D**

Sometimes i feel left out when im around you. It's because your with people you care for more. Thats why i understand.

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