Friday, July 23, 2010

Okay Admit already .I like I like I like K-Pop :/

Hey hey hey peeps! Haven't been on for awhile but i'm here now ^^ Didn't go to school today cause of financial reasons :/ i wanted to go to school very badly ... hehes. well it's too late anyway!
Wednesday :

PE : Ran 2.4 , Gillian partnered me . For the first time in my entire life i passed . teehee!
LA1 : Went to the Library . I was with ZhenMin the whole time .( Don't worry i'm not a stalker! )
Recess : Was suppouse to wait for ZhenMin but she said Never Mind so i just go recess with Ayu. Ayu was so ... Hyper active -.-"
hehe! Then there were these boys sitting beside us . One of them want to return plate then he fell of the bench . Me and Ayu keep laughing. hahaha! So pathetic.
MT : Nothing much . Just kept talking to BabyGirl :D
MA : Didn't do homew
ork , didn't bring my things. Im becoming a Grade A slacker O.o not good!
Assembly : Sat In between ZhenMin and YanLi . A skit was prepared cause it was international friendship day( I think. was it? ) The skit was totally Ridiculous. hahas.
After school : Had Teakwondo . Kept teasing Iman . Then he keep partnering me . Then he keep on saying " I know i cute and my hair nice nice *touches his hair then smiles
* that's why you keep looking at me " Every-time he says that too me i almost vomit. hahaha.

Thursday :

LA1 : B.O.R.I.N.G
GEOG : I ♥♥♥ Geography .
Recess : Ate with BabyGirl , SugarBaby ,CrazyBabe ,YanLi and JingYi .
Maths : I
hate my most FAVORITE subject ...
MT : Had a test, did a few questions and then slept. I wasn't the only sleeping beuty okay! SugarBaby,CrazyBabe,Stitchy and BabyGirl slept too! Then ... Heard the
bell . Woke up . Saw them all still asleep . So i asked Cyrus to Wake them up :D
LA : Fadillah wasn't in school ^^ felt like paradise!
PARTY-HARDY! relief teacher allow us use MP3 and sit at other places . ZhenMin sat with me . Listened to Lucifer .Then Ayu came too . Teacher said cannot use HandPhone .But we three don't care just take out and use. haha. Then we played truth or dare . Funny cause ZhenMin had to Kiss Ayu . Waahahaha! Major laughing scene! It was one of those moments : where you just had to be there! One word : Epic! hahaha.
After school : Had a meeting . Super Boring . :D Then saw Pricsilla and her friends Xiao Pei ( I think?) and the 1B chairperson forgot her name :X

Now : Downloading songs , Looking at K-Pop things , a
nd Listening to K-Pop things too . hehe. I'm totally admitting with out a doubt! hahas. :D :D :D
Isn't he charming?
*Her whisper is the Lucifer*

*Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic
Geobuhal su eobtneun neoeui maryeokeun LUCIFER*

*Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
거부 할 수 업는 너의 마력은 Lucifer*

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