Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Is there something wrong with me? X_X

Heyy! Just back from sending JiaLe Home. :D had a good time. well kind of. hahaha! Today... was a very depressing day. nothing much to say about it.
so here's what happened ;
Maths:Did boring things...i was feeling sick already...But it didn't kick in till ...

Music:Listened to crappy song. i couldn't bear it! i was already feeling dizzy @@

recess:Was suppposed to stay in class but figured out that Elysha was waiting, so i just go recess. Bought drinks then went up to class. Went pass a few classes then uhh... passed by some people. hehe. then went to class. Elysha went in her class for awhile while me and Naqiyah stayed in our class. Then ZhenMin went in the class too. that was the time i figured trouble ... :S soo...then she kinda told me not to go with ........ ehh... after that i got fever. hehe! that's what i get huh? KARMA :(

CME: Did even more maths. then went to resource room. then asked for Advise...i just don't get it! so then went back to class -.-"

science:was feeling my fever getting worst... i was already pale...well that's what JiaLe told me. hehe. then i couldn't stop thinking about who ...to... follow? :D hahas.

F&N: made my decission... then well Hesitating. soo...i'll make it final tomorrow cause i still need to talk to Elysha. :) F&N wasn't that bad...quite fun sia! :)

After school: Went Caltex ...then go home ...with JiaLe and Naqiyah. They stayed for awhile. Then liddat luh. im in no mood to write LONG LONG LONG .... D:

**Why must i be in the middle of two people i care? well i might not be so close to her but i don't want to disappoint anyone! On the other hand ... all this time i wanted her to notice me ... and she's telling me things to make my decision clear.... but... ... ... i can't say i will go with her cause i've been wanting to ... even though she uhm... use to be my bestfriend ... i still can't say who is right. I want this to end. really. this is just trouble. ;( i already made my decission and i'm not so sure about it...but ...it seems this makes things less troublesome. Im sorry Elysha but i guess i can't go with you anymore :( Naqiyah ... you know why i have to make this decision right? I'm sorry if i hurt you or something.**

When you see me with her ... I can't get it off my mind. When you look at me ... I can't do things right. When you say something to me ... I had to make a decision C:

Memories last forever ...Never do they die.
Friends are there forever and never say goodbye.

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