Friday, October 29, 2010

Photo spam !

Gonna Upload pics again ^^ All this pictures Belong to Ayu ! Enjoooy !

♥ My Lovely Family ♥ Credits to Ayu !
Sister(Sarah) and Daughter ^^
MsTeo saw the cam , i think .
1-Aspiration = WRECK! hahaha !
AshyBoy and GayBoy Amir :D

Epicness .

This week the best week ever since ... like FOREVER . I had soo much fun ... Thanks to the jokers around me thats for sure ... Class was a total wreck ... But hey , thats what makes it 1-Aspiration right ? hehehe :P Been With Ayu,ZhenMin and some other peeeeeoooppllleeee , this week . Sorta . Been CamWhoring all thanks to Ayu . Been playing Bball with Rakee too .... Heard she plans to go SpringFeild Next year ... Okay gurl ! I mean Boy ! I mean ... Ughghh , whatever -.- Then .... .... .... Well ...... thats all !! Gonna post pictures ^^ PLEASE DONT KILL ME !!

Ayu , And ME !

Ayu and ZhenMin.
*Ahem* PG-13 . Lol.
Me and my retardedness . With Ayu of course .
More me .
Luna Bom , Ehh ... i mean , Ms.Quek ? Idk .
Gayboy .
Look at His expression ~I HAVE TO GET THIS TRICK RIGHT~No more school T_T . Dont plan to go secondary 2 here in SG ... Well , i'll think about it ...

OKAY ! Thats all (: lazy to post ... Gonna post at my Private blog ! Annyong (:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Birthday me! lol.

Thanks to all who greeted me for my birthday ! ThankYou sososososo muchh!

210ct : Early in the morning , ______ got me effing pissed off . Then cried when i reached in class , Luckly Classmates cheer me up :) Thanks guys :) Whole time keep on hearing birthday song ... hehehe , so sweet ^^ Then After schoool , YanLi and Celine bring me go canteen while ZhenMin,LiQin and Ayu go toilet ? Hahaha , yeah . Reached canteed they already there , so fast . Then went out . Otw to Caltex they Spit water ... JiaLe damn cool can , she spit spit spit . HAHAHA! After that go chase peopel to pour water on , in the end pour until ZhenMin :D I kind of splashed everyone , except yanli :D HAHAH! Then went for training . BlahBlahBlah .
Thanks to all the birthday wishes and greetings ! Especially LiQin :D

Today : Nothing to do , plan to go to the beach with My mum and dad , if Dixie is available then her too ... BOred like crazy now . Watching IMR . So ... Bye (: Oh and thanks for all the tags ^^

~My birthday wishes .
1) To go ________ (:
2) Amber to come back to F(x)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The beach beach beach !

Going to the beach Later , if the rain subsides ! If it doesnt then going another day (: Anyone wanna come ? hehehe ! Anyone of anyone is welcomed to come ! We were supposedly going to Changi Beach ... so we're just going to PasirRis Beach ^^
We'll nothing to post ! So byebye !

Tada My Desktop background ! [random]

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hi , nothing to post . No mood , just turned off the water works a few minutes ago . Thanks for cheering me up Rakee and ZhenMin :)

*If you hate me just say . If you want me to stay away from you , just say . Dont hurt me like this.*

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So good!

School was okay . Nothing much . Hoping to finish exams asap ... Friends are already celebrating ... PSLE over... hope Rakee come's to my school ... Cousin Dixie too! And ... Well , next week is my birthday ... i bet my life , NO ONE will remember it except my dearest Mini-family ♥ At least i still have them! Anyway .... thats all for now ;) Bye !


Monday, October 11, 2010


Nothing much , Mother tongue paper, dint write any sensible things, so i dont expect much from it ... Tomorrows science ... I hope i pass ... Today im super Hyper... During recess ... "Bullied" aloysious ... then i ended up laughing my ass off like no ones business .... Then "played" with Ayu ... keep screaming ... then we ran around the classroom ... Super tired ... teacher came in class late so we started exam late too .... Was sweating ... cause of running too much (?) Yahh ... then straight away went home ... met Faye ... now at home ... doing stuff ... and Bored ... Faye is studying while im not . HAHAHA! So ... better go study with her then ... Bye :)

"Your so biased -.- I might not have been going there for awhile doesnt mean you know me less ... you should know me better than that! and yet you chose her ? So what your dating her brother ? you two arent married yet ! STOP TREATING US DIFFERENTLY FROM HER . WE ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT . Im speaking on behalf of the kids that your mistreating , including me . "

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tired T_T

Hey all ... Super tired now T_T Anyway heres what happened today :

Waited for JiaLe in the Bustop with Celine ... then On the way to school JiaLe asked me whether i could go with her to the Chalet with Jolyn.... i say cannot ... then Reach school , faster borrowed Geography text book ... studied ... then Sarah tested me and taught me all the things i dint know :) Thankyou so much! The questions that Sarah thought me came out in the paper! I love her soo much! thank you thank you! Then did paper ... super scared sia ! i dont know why! then after that ... Already finish school ... and it was only 10 something! early sia! then Jolyn came to the class room ... In the end my mom allow me go to the Chalet thing ...

Went with JiaLe , Jolyn , YanLi and Gillian. Went to the round market first ... then go TM eat ...stay there until 12+ then go to the chalet ... Jolyn forgot the place O_O Funny sia! then after that stayed inside ... played UNO ... then went to Ehub on the way played Cathing ... i cather -.- tiring sia! but fun :D then reached Ehub ... bought Bouble tea ... then went back ... then soon i left :) Now im here! And im leaving soon! going out :) Anyway exam in monday is Chinese so i dont care . HAHAHA! Bye :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Voiceless .

Hello all ! Currently tweeting , reading FanFics and NOT studying ! This morning exam for maths was super easy ! happyhappy! Literature was a killer , trust me . Was sleeping after my maths paper ... then the stupid teacher ask us not to sleep -___- After litrature also i slept .... Then after school so called "Played" awhile ... then went to caltex with YanLi and SugarBaby ... Then saw JingYi and Gillian there ... used all my money T_T Then played truth or dare ... i bet i was the one who always get the bottle pointed at -.- Then Gillian keep asking questions , usually the same few people ... -.- Bused home ... then after eating ... Faye came with a group of our friends -.- Excuse me , i got exam ? still want come my house... uggh ... then must handle them ... then after awhile they all started studying O_O So now ... im using com , while they still studying :P LOLOL! I dont want to fail geography :'( im scared ! Anyway , GoodLuck for geography tomorrow ! (except for Manish,Deravic and Darryl . LOL)

Now no voice O_O keep on screaming till no voice ... i should shutup next time . LOL .

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 months ! Yay !! So happy !

Hello~Hello~ Whatsup guys ^^ Did not do well for english . I think . Confirm . Ugghh ... i cant concentrate in studying ... I dont know why . something is bothering me , but i dont know what it is ... Gonna study for Maths and English now! Byebye :)

2 months already !! Im so retarded . LOL . Amber , Its Our Day . Kekeke~

*F(x) better not release any album unless Amber is back . *
*Its not "F(x)" without Amber . Theyre just another group mistreated by SMentertainment .*

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cute kids :D

Hello Hello ! Just reached home ... Super Moodless ... Since morning no mood ... then ... during recess , i was sleeping ... Mother tongue too . Then During Science i suddenly became alive ... Yes! All thanks to Ayu . She made me laugh like some crazy fella .Ever since that moment i was nuts . After Science had 3periods with MsQuek . Was sitting beside ZhenMin and JiaLe , keep on playing RedHands with JiaLe , hehehs . Then played a trick on Ayu . Damn effing Funny !! After school went to Caltex . Ate , then left . Reached my bustop , saw old friends . Hung around with them for awhile , then went up to my house , and now im here . Bored , Mad , Moodless and Pissed-Off .

Sunday : Woke up at 8am , Went to Tito Edgar's house ...Ate breakfast . Around 10 am , reached Church ... Reached church ... Instantly played at the swing ... then ... At 2pm , Went to orchard ... then played at a billiard place with my dad and friends .stayed there until 6+pm . Headed to Universal Studios ... then went around Sentosa . And blablahblah . Gonna post stupid pictures and stuff .

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Please bring her back T_T

I havent been "STUDYING" lately ... Im not slacking either . But im just not learning . I seriously need someone to motivate and accompany me to study ... All my friends studying for PSLE ... they dont even know how to teach me for Geography -_- Bummer . ANYONE PLEASE ! MOTIVATE AND ACCOMPANY ME STUDY ! all help is welcomed :D Hahaha!

Ps : If anyone messaged me ... Sorry for not replying due to not having prepaid , for nearly a month now . Someone should seriously get me prepaid . Hhaha :)

"My early Birthday wish : 1) Real Friendship , 2) Decide to stay or go, 3) Amber.

"Bring Amber Back please T_T "

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bitch .

Hello ! Currently Waiting for my cousin so that i can go out and play basketball :D

In school:Nothing much interesting happened as usual , My arm Was "Broken" ... So i had to take careful precautions ... Then Gillian started to think i was playing with her , then she want to touch my hand -.- Walao , i run around the class like no one's business ... Cb , she chase me then i have to ditch her , i hit until my hand . Walao , Funny is it ?! Please lah , i already cannot even bend my arm still down there want to poke it -.- Thanks to the people who tried to comfort me , i wasnt crying or anything , i was super mad . Alot of people ask me what happened to my arm i ALWAYS reply them " I bite my arm " Funny , they're reaction damn funny! some even cute ! LOL .

Nothing more , im going to play basketball with a broken arm , i might come back to school with a cast on my arm ! HAHAHA xD my arm might even be worst ! cause i play very rough :D IDK !! WAHAHAS ! Now waiting for SHINee's comeback in MuBank ... Love their remake :)

Bye :D Please tag me My tag board is Dead :O