Monday, October 4, 2010

Cute kids :D

Hello Hello ! Just reached home ... Super Moodless ... Since morning no mood ... then ... during recess , i was sleeping ... Mother tongue too . Then During Science i suddenly became alive ... Yes! All thanks to Ayu . She made me laugh like some crazy fella .Ever since that moment i was nuts . After Science had 3periods with MsQuek . Was sitting beside ZhenMin and JiaLe , keep on playing RedHands with JiaLe , hehehs . Then played a trick on Ayu . Damn effing Funny !! After school went to Caltex . Ate , then left . Reached my bustop , saw old friends . Hung around with them for awhile , then went up to my house , and now im here . Bored , Mad , Moodless and Pissed-Off .

Sunday : Woke up at 8am , Went to Tito Edgar's house ...Ate breakfast . Around 10 am , reached Church ... Reached church ... Instantly played at the swing ... then ... At 2pm , Went to orchard ... then played at a billiard place with my dad and friends .stayed there until 6+pm . Headed to Universal Studios ... then went around Sentosa . And blablahblah . Gonna post stupid pictures and stuff .

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