Friday, October 29, 2010

Epicness .

This week the best week ever since ... like FOREVER . I had soo much fun ... Thanks to the jokers around me thats for sure ... Class was a total wreck ... But hey , thats what makes it 1-Aspiration right ? hehehe :P Been With Ayu,ZhenMin and some other peeeeeoooppllleeee , this week . Sorta . Been CamWhoring all thanks to Ayu . Been playing Bball with Rakee too .... Heard she plans to go SpringFeild Next year ... Okay gurl ! I mean Boy ! I mean ... Ughghh , whatever -.- Then .... .... .... Well ...... thats all !! Gonna post pictures ^^ PLEASE DONT KILL ME !!

Ayu , And ME !

Ayu and ZhenMin.
*Ahem* PG-13 . Lol.
Me and my retardedness . With Ayu of course .
More me .
Luna Bom , Ehh ... i mean , Ms.Quek ? Idk .
Gayboy .
Look at His expression ~I HAVE TO GET THIS TRICK RIGHT~No more school T_T . Dont plan to go secondary 2 here in SG ... Well , i'll think about it ...

OKAY ! Thats all (: lazy to post ... Gonna post at my Private blog ! Annyong (:

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