Thursday, October 7, 2010

Voiceless .

Hello all ! Currently tweeting , reading FanFics and NOT studying ! This morning exam for maths was super easy ! happyhappy! Literature was a killer , trust me . Was sleeping after my maths paper ... then the stupid teacher ask us not to sleep -___- After litrature also i slept .... Then after school so called "Played" awhile ... then went to caltex with YanLi and SugarBaby ... Then saw JingYi and Gillian there ... used all my money T_T Then played truth or dare ... i bet i was the one who always get the bottle pointed at -.- Then Gillian keep asking questions , usually the same few people ... -.- Bused home ... then after eating ... Faye came with a group of our friends -.- Excuse me , i got exam ? still want come my house... uggh ... then must handle them ... then after awhile they all started studying O_O So now ... im using com , while they still studying :P LOLOL! I dont want to fail geography :'( im scared ! Anyway , GoodLuck for geography tomorrow ! (except for Manish,Deravic and Darryl . LOL)

Now no voice O_O keep on screaming till no voice ... i should shutup next time . LOL .

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