Friday, October 1, 2010

Bitch .

Hello ! Currently Waiting for my cousin so that i can go out and play basketball :D

In school:Nothing much interesting happened as usual , My arm Was "Broken" ... So i had to take careful precautions ... Then Gillian started to think i was playing with her , then she want to touch my hand -.- Walao , i run around the class like no one's business ... Cb , she chase me then i have to ditch her , i hit until my hand . Walao , Funny is it ?! Please lah , i already cannot even bend my arm still down there want to poke it -.- Thanks to the people who tried to comfort me , i wasnt crying or anything , i was super mad . Alot of people ask me what happened to my arm i ALWAYS reply them " I bite my arm " Funny , they're reaction damn funny! some even cute ! LOL .

Nothing more , im going to play basketball with a broken arm , i might come back to school with a cast on my arm ! HAHAHA xD my arm might even be worst ! cause i play very rough :D IDK !! WAHAHAS ! Now waiting for SHINee's comeback in MuBank ... Love their remake :)

Bye :D Please tag me My tag board is Dead :O

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