Thursday, September 30, 2010

Need to BuckUp ! StudyStudyStudy !

Hiie ! Nothing much to post again , im getting lazy to blog nowadays . School today almost all the periods got test -_- But it was okay for me :) Reached school this morning started to "Study" (?) Then recess too ! People keep saying i so "Guai"-_- it wasnt funny . I just wanted to study! Hahaha:D Class super noisy ... crap . But still managed to absorb ... Geography test today was a total Fail ... I never come on that day , so i dint really know what to write down -___- Crap!!! Then got back Test paper the other test . I got beaten again .-. I was super upset ! Well , i so angry i took home geography book , and im now studying maths and Geog ... Hehehs . Well , thats all ! have to revise !

I actually dont know how to study :X Im just doing my worksheets , i need someone to help me "Study" oops i mean Teach me how to "Study" . Any sort of help will be appreciated ! :P

Currently : tweeting , Posting (duhh) ,on the phone with Ms.Nag alot (aka Faye) and ... Getting scolded .___. By Faye too O_________O

Okay byye ! Posted on my private blog already :) Off to continue studying ! Byes:P

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