Wednesday, September 29, 2010

nothing really .

Hello ! Nothing much to post ...P.E Damn fun ! Play until hand super pain ! Azlina say i PRO :D LOL , Im not braggin! hHHAHAHA! Besides that After school need stay back ... I effing Fed up until i want shout at teacher , but i dint have to , Ayu and Cyrus did all the work for me ... Cyrus said somethings then suddenly MissTeo *BOOM* Exploded . She shout shout shout then she cry ... Then she stomp out the room .Suddenly The whole class "Ohhh~!" then i shout at cyrus " No respect for the teacher ..." Then ZhenMin started to shout shout something to Cyrus ... Then .. everyone started leaving ...i left too since there was nothing more i could do ... Went to caltex with Ayu, JiaLe , YanLi , LiQin and Celine were at caltex too ... sat around ... After awhile , Ayu went off ... Naqiyah and Co. came ... Naqiyah blanja me :'D Thankyou :D Then played around and stuff ... Went home at about 4:30 ? Late man! HAHAHA! Well , nothing more to post... Oh yeah i saw MR.NICHOLAS TAN outside 7-11 Yesterday , he stand up act cool sia ... then when he see me , he faster stand straight , Funny sia!!! OHH YEAHH !

F(x) was in Live Power Music Idk what episode , But i saw AMBER. SHE WAS SMOKING HOT! been spazzing about it from last night until Now! thats why in school i look so "EMO" . I dont even care if i look or i am EMO . hahah!! LOL ..

Currently chatting with SugarBaby , Tweeting and Feeling FUNNY! :D I'll try to keep myself happy Even though im sad ! BE POSITIVE ! I want to say Hwaiting , but it'll make it seem like im crazy over K-Pop , so id rather not! HAHAHA!

Posting on my private blog :D

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