Thursday, September 2, 2010

I hope i dont have to go .

Today i feel so Guilty! Anyway I'll start from yesterday .

Yesterday : Woke Up , Got a call from my cousin , she ask me go to Rachael(Aka Rakee) 's House ... Since i got nothing to do i just go ... Bathed , Got ready , Took out My skateboard ... Then rode there . When i reached there , I saw (Ate)Anne , (Ate) Elisha , Eliyah , JJ , Dixie , Mika , M.Shine and Rakee ... They were listening to Suju , Funny TTVM . I saw JJ Dancing ... uber funny . Sat there ... Then found out they were going to perform at St.Michael Church's Carnival day ! I sit there watch them dance to Gee , LaChaTa , SorrySorry and RDD ... Then (Ate)Anne asked me whether i wanna dance with them or not . Then Dixie answered for me . Tsk~ so i anything loh , just dance . They Dance Gee make me so Sian ! So i say i dont want to Dance Gee . So , i only had to dance Gee , LaChaTa and SOrrySorry . Unexpectadly i learned all the 3 dances in 2hours . kekeke . Tita Videoed us , hope to post it soon . Then Suddenly Nu ABO Played ... (Ate)Anne was dancing . So they ask me to dance also cause they saw me dancing . WTF . hahah so i just join :D Then 7 hours later , finish le . Went down to the playground ... Then played Truth or Dare , Eliyah found me Cute ?! OMYGAWD. Kkekeke. then went home at about 8.30 .

Today : Went to school , Had slight fever ... then then then , reached school , was listening music( i was _____ her today ) Then , first lesson , Was called out ... Had to bring along my bag , People thought i was going to be suspended -.-" i knew it was coming ... Then had to go to VP office ... The guy talked to me ... and stuff ... then Dad was coming in about an hour ... so was sent back to class ... Reached back class everyone all look at me ? Tsk~ then after the lesson ended , went out , called my dad ... Then call finish ZhenMin asked me why i had to go down ... I told her . Then She told me to "take back" my words or something ... then i was super depressed . Tried my best to stay positive . so then all the lessons ... i was thinking super deeply about the issue ... Then recess ... Went down with JL and YL . Dad called me ... he was at the G.O chatted with him , then he went in to talk to VP . so we three go buy drinks first ... Then i went back ... Talked to my dad ... i was pulling him ! kekeke , so embarassing i think ZhenMin saw me pulling my dad . Hahaha xD Then ... went up to class ...
Science : Someones phone rang ... no one admitted ... had to go under the hot sun ... STILL , no one admitted ... in the end ... ZhenMin surrendered her phone ... Wooah , half the class keep saying it wasnt her . And true enough . it really wasnt her handphone . So then blah blahblah ... was actually very pissed off that time . hahaha!
Maths : BORING.
MT : No Celine and LiQin ... so the back places were empty , asked JL to occupy the space ... Then ZhenMin sat at her place which is on the back of my chair on the floor .... Then ZhenMin and JiaLe keep saying about the Dropping out of school thing ... I made *ahemahem Cry . Shit !? i was like OwhMyGawd! Haiis . then played truth or dare ... Darryl sabo me again . Keep asking the Faye or ZhenMin question . This time i answered , But i dint let ZhenMin know who i picked . I thought no one else could find out . hahaha . Faye now keep asking me who i picked . kekeke~ Sshhh~ haha . then all the other lessons are pretty much boring ... so i wouldnt be expressing much about it . After school , Gave Benjamin my Passport copy , Photo and Confirmation form for the Korea trip thing ... then ...went to caltex ... super funny ... Jolyn laugh so funny ! then Darryl and extra i mean deravic keep playing a fool . super retarded . kekeke~ then now im here ... Crying my eyes out . cause of the stupid thing >:|

I was sent down in the office because i owed the school money . My school fees . There were too much until , i have to be dropped out . Please understand this .

~Why pa ? why do i have to go? ~
~ Please dont cry :( makes me feel super guilty , especially when i saw those teary eyes.~
~Faye ... Dont go nuts, id miss you too :')~

I hope not to go .
Really i really dont want to go .
Please dont push the blame to me .
Can you guys just let my last few weeks with you guys memorable ??

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