Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MDPS im back!

Hello !

Early this morning : went to school , chat with SugarBaby while at the hall ... Then , Chairman and Vice-Chairman had to move to the back ... At the back we keep laughing !! Super funny ... Then had to go up stage ?! haha, yeah . Wasnt all bad , was kinda used to it anyway! Then went back to class ... wasted like 20mins "decorating" class ... i was watching something the whole time ... kekeke . Then , After school ,Me and Amir went to 1G(?),1F(?) and 1I . Find Haoxin , Haziq and LimYin ...

Then , Bused to whitesands , Then took 359 . Reach MDPS Saw the Guard ... the two guard keep saying "waa, so big already uhh? Last time only like this!!!" i down there keep hahaha only ...

Went straight to Canteen , Suddenly Halima hug me , walau , Shock sia! Then Priscilla also! Waaah ... The Sheila at there laugh . Hahaha . Saw Indah awell ... Then went up to the Staff room with Kelly,Priscilla,Petrina and Sheila . Saw Mr N. Tan , you know what he said ?! he say " Waaah! Raniel Again! haha." Then we keep joking around with him :D :D :D Then me and priscilla keep "forcing" the Staffroom door to open ! Suddenly DM Come wooah , we two hide sia . hahaha .

Then about 1 hr later go HOD . Dont have teacher one loh ... have meeting .... Kns ... Then went back to canteen ... went to the Field ... saw got Track already! Then we all down there say " walau , we last year donate money to make this then we never get to use! COME LETS STAND ON IT! ITS OURS!" LMAO....

Then go back to the fish pond there ... Sit around with Vicki and Noel they all ... then Bryan,Sebastian and Bryson come ... Saw Sebastian me and Sheila keep laughing at him ...he SUPER SHORT . I tell you laughdie moment. haha . Then Priscilla had to go... so me Sheila,Petrina,Kelly and Noel go back canteen . Went to the G.O Keep laughing at the Pictures of our teachers ... especially Mr Yip . xD Then wrote a dedication letter (provided by the school) For Ms K. Yeo :D Miss her T.T

Then after that go to MiniMart ... Bought something then separated with Sheila went home with Noel , Went Kopitiam ... haha ... Saw Romsie and Eunice ... Then Noel Party-pooper -.-" I bought food and left them hahaha!! and now im here ... Feel like going out , but ... LAZY ... TEEHEE! Hhaha . Had Uber fun todae ... Though i dint see Ms Yeo ;'( should have come earlier ... Noel saw her ;'( screw you Noel ... Vernon and Stella wasnt there too ... :( Tsk~ hahaha . Anyway , Thats all for now . Buhbye ;D

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