Friday, August 6, 2010

Fine day :/

Hiie ! :D School was Okay ! Was in the bus when my Mum messaged me ... Found out Celine Messaged my mum's handphone. haha . Then also found out that we were in the same bus . haha . End up we go school together . Then at the Netball court , The place so crowded ... -.-" Waiting for people sit here sit there ....


After the Ahma Principal Finish lecture Sec 1 and Sec 2 go hall for Song thing thing . Then sing sing sing .... Half way through sarah came ... Then sat beside her cause she like so ... Not hyper ! :D so liddat ... Played with Sarah and ZhenMin . The went up class ... Had 15 mins to Decorate the class . EVERYONE was working together(for the first time !) But . Had a hard time keeping the class to shut-up ,Thankfully we managed to Zip-up our lips . Surprised Andy i mean Mr.Luo :D then BlahBlahBlah . Went to Caltex with SUGARBABY, BABYGIRL, STITCHY, CRAZYBABE, YANLI, GLADYS, JINGYI and ... Another girl ... i dunno her name . hehehe

Then chat chat chat . then have to go le .

Sorry ZhenMin , wanted to pei you but then They all need go le i dun wan go home alone :/

Took 15 .... The whole trip we were all laughing our asses off ! hahaha! then went home . :D :D :D MOM COMMING HOME LATE TODEA ! IM GOING TO PARTY ! YIIPPIIE! LOL BUHBYE ! PLEASE TAG ^^

* I'm Sorry . I'm not sure if it really is true . *

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