Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I got over you please , stop making me like you again .

Hi world ! Post about yesterday first :D

Reached school , Obviously wasnt entertained -.-" was sitting at my place the whole time , messaging some peeps ...
Mr.Luo showed us a video thing thing ... then Lectured us ... Kinda helped :D Thank you MR LUO ! LOL .

Maths : Nothing Much , Quite boring ...

Music : Nothing much aswell ...

Recess : Music teacher stayed for awhile , So us girls went to Youtube and Played Some F(x) songs ... enjoyable i may say :) then they all left , i stayed in class ... Was checking something in my handphone.

CME : Teacher let us to make our Teachers day cards ... Sat with LiQin ... I was a little bit intimidated by LiQin and ZhenMin ... Mostly LiQin , LMAO :D want to make a card for Mr N. Tan ♥ and Ms K. Yeo ♥
(Ms k , Don't _____me! haha)

Science : IDK what to say . LOL .

F&N : Went to a place with Coms ?! LOL , Then heard Everyone shouting from outside the room . then inside the room everyone also -.-" Went out , saw the floorball game has started . Some peep from YOG came i think . haha . then most of the time i was at class , and Stuff ...

After school : Went to caltex with JiaLe , YanLi ,Celine and LiQin ... Reached there , saw Elysha , Darryl and Extra , i mean Deravic . LOL . Awhile later ZhenMin and ShiJie came . Played Truth or Dare ... Stupid Darryl keep Sabo me -.-" Screw you big time _|_ Want to sabo him also then instead someone else ask the question :D hahaha! then Celine went off , then JiaLe and YanLi too -.-" ,l Elysha and Darryl left early :( Was sooo boring in Caltex ... when they all left , seriously! Tsk~

Then When to Taekwondo .... Confirmed with Teacher that i going to Korea ... :/ have to share room with ShuYing . Not Bad lah ... she's quite okay . But , im not so excited ... im suppouse to be excited cause im going out of the country ... but somehow im not :/ i guess i got reasons ... :D

Today : Din't go to school due to financial issues ... Wanted to go school when i found out i could but then , i din't want to see ______________________________ . So , i just stayed at home :D
Besides , School's way better off without me :D and i know it ;)

(FAYEE!!! ~ You also another one! I already told you that Darryl , Sabo me , you still down there force me answer! haha . You try asking again i tell you trouble ! Hahaha!!! :) Anyway , Love you too ^^ And yes , if you want to come to church with me :) But , Rachael and Her bro's are there ... BEWARE . LOL .)

*Tsk~ Stupid lah you , Sabo me ?! You sabo me nevermind actually , but , you sabo me infront of her ~ i want to sabo you also , but then , i also dont want to do to you cause i very kind . LOL . Just don't push your limits boy . Reminder : Want to sabo me okay , can. But , Don't Sabo me in front of her . Cause i know you sabo always about her one . Please , be more mature -.-" *

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