Thursday, August 5, 2010


School Was terrible !

I got SUSPENDED . Who knew right ?! I got accused on something i din't do . I seriously SWEAR . i never did the whatever thingy that apple headed bitch accused me of . HAIIIS! criedcriedcried my eyes out. (LiQin said i cried the most This is how we were ranked in our crying session (the top being the most.) Me,LQ,Celine,JL then ...ZM? )

BabyGirl,Stitchy,CrazyBabe,SugarBaby and 3 other boys were suspended too . After suspension ,had common test . After that , Claimed our hanphones then asked Mr.Wallace to call my mom cause i too scared to tell her i not freaking involved . then her talk talk talk ... then Abit okay le . Teehee!Then Went to bustop withBabyGirl,CrazyBabe and Gladys . We were laughing our Asses of . Maybe because we were all tensed of what will happen to us when we reach home . Took 518 , and when i reach home it was about ...4:25 . Talked to myself first (im weird >< ) Then decided to call my mom . Called her at about 4:35 . Then , she talk to me ... she was so ... ... ... ... ... ...soft ? the way she talk like so soft ... not like totally point finger at me totally blaming me liddat ... Quite relieve. ...(emphasizing on QUITE) . Then i explain to my mom what happen then she like " Ohkay! I talk to you later ." Then i told her Cannot cause i want to sleep le (to escape being canned!) then she say "okay . Dont forget to drink your medicine." then she put down the phone. i now praying she wont scold me! IM OUT ! :/

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