Friday, August 27, 2010

MrLuo , MsDFadillah DONT LEAVE T.T

Today is such a sad day ...

Early this morning , Got ready for school left the house ...bused then reached school ... Slept throughout assembly ... Went up class , Science lesson ... Tsk~ VERY BORING . Then it was LA2 , DAMN FUCKING nice TTFC , Was talking to Sarah~Recess , Bought food , then ate , then studied while waiting for the bell ... Art , Quite okay , was on task~ LA , Super fun ... Ms Fadillah's last day ;'| MrLuo too ... Then was Geog , not so fun ... i guess i was thinking to much .

After school , Stayed in class with YanLi,JiaLe,ZhenMin,LiQin,Celine,Jolyn andGladys ... Mr Luo Played songs for us , in the end i also sing with him :x Super sad lo ... Celine cried :( then , i think someone else also almost cried ... I was also about to cry when he made a mistake in singing then i laugh! teehee. Went home 2hours later . It was worth it ~Went to caltex , then went home early with ZhenMin .

Now : Faye is beside me , Looking through my stuff -.-" She's starring at me? LOL . (faye: Rain is blushing! LMAO) Tsk~ anyway , wating for the right time to play BasketBall :D I hope can ... Need borrow ball first ! hahaha . Bye!

MrLuo : Take care , Dont forget 1-Aspiration ! Cause we wont forget you! We always have been thankful for what you have done for us and still do . Thank you for teaching us what is right and wrong . Thankyou for the Time you have scarified for our class :) Sorry for the trouble we have given you ... we sometimes might not work well with each other , but we still appreciate the things you taught us . Thankyou and We will miss you !

MsFadillah : Even Though at the beginning of the year the class wasnt really cooperating with you , We found out after the news that you were leaving that you actually helped us alot in Litrature . Even though it might be late for thankyous , the whole class would probably thank you . Though i dint really like you at first , i realized that i found your lessons interesting in your last few lessons . I really am sad that your leaving . Sorry that the class and I have been treating you badly , but we know you like our class the best in the whole secondary 1 level! Haha . Anyway , THANKYOU! We'll Miss you ! :D

"The moment we spent made me so happy till i found out the hatred that use to be infested in you is now slowly fading away ... But theres still hatred , but not that much anymore.(LQ , ssh~ Okay? haha) "

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